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Lectio Divina for 8 September 2024


“Day proclaims the word to day, and night to night imparts knowledge. There are no speeches or conversations, where their voices are not being heard. Their sound has gone forth through all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.” (Psalm 18:3-5)


  • “Day proclaims the word to day”: Each day reveals something new about the Creator’s grandeur. There is a continual testimony of His majesty and glory. Meditate on how each moment, even the ordinary, speaks of God’s presence and power.
  • “Night to night imparts knowledge”: The quiet of night reveals another dimension of God’s wisdom. In the silence, God speaks. Meditate on how you can be in harmony with God’s will to hear His voice in both the busy moments of life and in the stillness.
  • “There are no speeches or conversations”: Even without words, creation speaks loudly of God’s existence. The heavens communicate truth without the need for human language. Meditate on how the Lord’s message is present in all things, even without verbal expression.
  • “Their sound has gone forth through all the earth”: God’s message, displayed in creation, is universal. No one is excluded from the invitation to recognise the Creator. Meditate on the universality of God’s call and how He makes Himself known to all of humanity.


O Lord, Your creation speaks to me without words, and I hear Your voice in the beauty of each day and night. Help me to recognise Your presence in all things and to be more aware of how You communicate with me, even in silence. May I join in the universal praise that Your creation offers You, and may I proclaim Your greatness through my life. Amen.


  • Contemplate the Voice of Creation: Imagine the world around you speaking of the Creator’s glory. The sun, the stars, the trees, and the oceans all proclaim His majesty. Rest in the awareness that creation itself is a constant song of praise to God.
  • Feel God’s Presence in Silence: In this moment of silence, feel God’s presence speaking to your heart, just as He speaks through the quietness of night. Let your heart open to His message.


  • Be Mindful of Creation: Take time to notice and appreciate the beauty of the world around you. Let each sunrise, sunset, and star-filled sky remind you of God’s ongoing communication.
  • Spread God’s Message: Just as creation spreads the Lord’s message to the ends of the earth, find ways to share His love and truth with others, through both words and actions.
  • Seek Silence: Incorporate moments of silence into your daily routine. In these times, listen for God’s voice and reflect on the knowledge He imparts to you.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)