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Lectio Divina for 8 October 2024


“One thing I have asked of Yahweh, this I will seek: that I may dwell in the house of Yahweh all the days of my life, so that I may behold the delight of Yahweh, and may visit his temple.” (Psalm 24:6)

Meditate on David’s burning desire to dwell in the house of Yahweh forever. This shows that his heart was completely devoted to God, seeking His presence above all else. What does it mean to you to dwell in God’s house, to live in His presence? It is a constant state of communion with God, not only in sacred places but in every moment of life. David’s longing to behold the delight of the Lord invites you to reflect on how you experience God’s beauty and joy in your life. Where do you sense His presence most strongly? How can you cultivate a deeper sense of dwelling with Him daily?

Meditate on the idea of “seeking”—David asks this of the Lord but also actively pursues it. Dwelling with God requires a deliberate, continual seeking of His presence through prayer, worship, and a life aligned with His will.

O Lord, let me dwell in Your house all the days of my life. I seek Your presence, longing to behold Your beauty and delight. Grant me the grace to live each day in communion with You, to remain close to You in all that I do. Let Your temple be not only a place I visit, but the place where my heart always remains. Guide me, that I may seek You earnestly and never stray from the path that leads to You.

Contemplate yourself in the house of the Lord, resting in His presence, surrounded by His glory and beauty. Feel the peace and joy of being near to God, of gazing upon His goodness. Allow yourself to dwell there in spirit, free from distractions, with your heart fully focused on Him. Let this contemplation become your dwelling place, where you return in times of prayer and reflection, knowing that in God’s presence, you find your true home.

Contemplate on the fact that dwelling in the house of Yahweh is to dwell in the presence of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word who makes God’s glory manifest. Christ is the fulfilment of this longing expressed in the psalm. Through His life, death, and resurrection, He has become the true Temple, the place where we encounter God’s glory and delight. To dwell with Christ is to live in the intimacy of His love, to remain united with Him through the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. In Christ, we find the fullness of God’s presence and the beauty that our souls long for.

Contemplate on your life becoming a constant dwelling place for Jesus, where His light and love are always with you.

Make time each day to “visit His temple” through prayer, Scripture reading, and quiet moments of reflection. Seek to cultivate a sense of dwelling with the Lord throughout your day, remaining aware of His presence in both the sacred and the ordinary moments of life. Let this desire guide your actions, striving to live in a way that honours His presence within and around you.


Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)