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Lectio Divina for 7 September 2024


“The heavens describe the glory of God, and the firmament announces the work of his hands.” (Psalm 18:2)


  • “The heavens describe the glory of God”: The vastness of the sky, the beauty of the stars, and the order of the cosmos all speak of God’s majesty and power. Creation itself proclaims His greatness, reminding us that God is the Creator of all things. Meditate on how nature reveals God’s presence and invites you to contemplate His grandeur.
  • “The firmament announces the work of his hands”: The firmament, the expanse of the heavens, not only shows His creative power but also His careful design. Every part of creation points to the Creator, declaring His wisdom and purpose. Meditate on how the world around you testifies to God’s handiwork, revealing His love and care for His creation, including you.


O Lord, Your creation speaks to me of Your glory and majesty. As I gaze upon the heavens, I am reminded of Your power and Your divine artistry. Help me to recognise You in all things and to always give You glory for the wonders You have made. May the beauty of the world draw me closer to You and deepen my trust in Your wisdom. Amen.


  • Contemplate the Glory of God in Creation: As you sit in silence, picture the sky above you—the sun, stars, and clouds. Feel the vastness of the universe and the intricate detail of God’s creation. Let your soul rest in the knowledge that this same God watches over you with care and love.
  • Rest in Awe of God’s Handiwork: Allow yourself to be filled with awe and wonder at the Creator who formed the heavens. Rest in His presence, knowing that the same God who created the universe is intimately involved in your life.


  • Appreciate Creation: Take time this week to observe nature more closely. Whether it’s a walk in the park or simply gazing at the stars, let God’s creation remind you of His greatness and goodness.
  • Praise God in Daily Life: Throughout the day, offer praise to the Lord for the small and large wonders of creation that you encounter. Let this practice deepen your awareness of His presence.
  • Share God’s Glory: Share with others how nature speaks to you of God’s glory. Perhaps through a conversation or a social media post, spread the beauty of God’s creation and inspire others to seek Him in the world around them.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)