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Lectio Divina for 6 October 2024


“My foot has stood firm in the straight path. In the assemblies, I will bless you, O Yahweh.” (Psalm 25:12)


Meditate on the imagery of standing firm on a straight path. David declares that his foot is firmly planted, unwavering in the way of righteousness. This is not a path of his own making but one laid out by the Lord—a straight, clear direction in life. The second part of the verse turns toward praise, expressing a commitment to praise (bless) God publicly, in the assemblies, acknowledging the Lord’s goodness before others.

Meditate on the firmness of your own footing in life. Meditate on the “straight path” that God has placed before you. Are your steps sure and steady, or do you sometimes waver? This path represents a life of faithfulness, a course guided by God’s commandments and sustained by His grace. David is confident because he knows he is walking in God’s way. Think about how you, too, are called to stand firm, even in the face of challenges, and how you can remain committed to that path through trust in God.

O Yahweh, let my foot be planted securely in the straight path You have laid before me. When I am tempted to stray or grow weary, strengthen me to remain faithful. In the assemblies, I will bless You, giving thanks for Your guidance and steadfast love. Let my life be a testament to Your goodness, and may I always praise You in the company of the faithful. Amen.

In contemplation, picture yourself walking the straight path, guided by God’s light. Feel your feet steady on the ground, unshaken by distractions or difficulties. As you walk, you join others—a congregation of believers, all walking the same path. In this shared journey, you lift your voice to praise the Lord, surrounded by a community of faith. Allow the sense of unity, strength, and stability to fill your heart as you rest in the security of God’s path.

Take action by committing to walk firmly in the path God has given you. Let your actions reflect your faithfulness to Him. Consider how you can participate more fully in Church, whether through attending Mass, engaging in communal prayer, or serving your faith community. Let your words and deeds be a blessing, and take time to publicly give thanks for His guidance, sharing your faith with others and encouraging them to walk firmly in God’s path as well.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)