Home » Lectio Divina » Lectio Divina for 6 August 2024

Lectio Divina for 6 August 2024


Passage: Lord, when thou dost reprove me, let it not be in anger; when thou dost chastise me, let it not be in displeasure. Lord, pity me; I have no strength left; Lord, heal me; my limbs tremble; my spirits are altogether broken; Lord, wilt thou never be content? Lord, turn back, and grant a wretched soul relief; as thou art ever merciful, save me. When death comes, there is no more remembering thee; none can praise thee in the tomb. I am spent with sighing; every night I lie weeping on my bed, till the tears drench my pillow. Grief has dimmed my eyes, faded their lustre now, so many are the adversaries that surround me. Depart from me, all you that traffic in iniquity; the Lord has heard my cry of distress. Here was a prayer divinely heard, a boon divinely granted. All my enemies will be abashed and terrified; taken aback, all in a moment, and put to shame. (Psalm 6:2-11)


  • Divine Reproof and Mercy: David begins this particular psalm by asking the Lord not to reprove or chastise in anger, highlighting a plea for mercy even in correction. Meditate on God’s merciful nature and His desire to correct us lovingly.
  • Human Frailty: David expresses a deep sense of weakness and brokenness, both physically and spiritually. Meditate on your own moments of frailty and need for God’s healing and strength.
  • Desperation for Relief: The plea for relief and salvation is central to this passage. Think about your own prayers for deliverance and the trust in God’s mercy.
  • Overwhelming Grief: The vivid imagery of tears and grief speaks to the depth of the psalmist’s suffering. Consider the times you have felt overwhelmed by sorrow and how you sought God’s comfort.
  • Divine Hearing and Deliverance: The assurance that God has heard the cry of distress and granted relief offers hope and confidence. Meditate on the times God has answered your prayers and delivered you from distress.
  • Enemies Put to Shame: The final verses indicate the ultimate defeat and shame of the David’s enemies. Consider the ways God has protected and vindicated you against adversaries.


Lord, in Thy mercy, correct me without anger and chastise me without displeasure. I am weak and broken, in need of Thy healing touch. Relieve my wretched soul and save me by Thy mercy. In my distress and sorrow, I cry out unto Thee. Comfort me in my grief and surround me with Thy presence. I give thanks unto Thee for hearing my cries and granting me relief. Let my enemies be put to shame and let me find refuge in Thy protection. Amen.


Contemplate the image of God’s merciful correction and His healing presence in moments of weakness. Feel the assurance that God hears your cries and grants relief, even amidst profound grief and adversity. Rest in the confidence that God will protect and vindicate you, putting your enemies to shame.


  • Seek Mercy in Correction: When you face correction or discipline, seek God’s mercy and ask for His guidance to grow in holiness without feeling overwhelmed by guilt or fear.
  • Acknowledge Weakness: In times of physical or spiritual weakness, turn to God for healing and strength, acknowledging your need for His sustaining grace.
  • Pray for Deliverance: Make a habit of praying for deliverance and relief in times of distress, trusting in Yahweh’s mercy and faithfulness.
  • Live in Praise: Recognise the urgency of living a life of praise and faithfulness, making the most of the time you have to honour God.
  • Find Comfort in God: In moments of overwhelming grief, seek comfort in God’s presence and trust that He hears your cries and will provide relief.
  • Trust in Divine Protection: Hold on to the assurance that God will protect and vindicate you against adversaries, trusting in His ultimate justice.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)