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Lectio Divina for 4 July 2024

1. Lectio

Read the passage slowly and attentively, paying close attention to each word and detail.

Passage: “In those days again, when there was great multitude and they had nothing to eat; calling his disciples together, he saith to them: I have compassion on the multitude, for behold they have now been with me three days and have nothing to eat. And if I shall send them away fasting to their home, they will faint in the way: for some of them came from afar off. And his disciples answered him: From whence can any one fill them here with bread in the wilderness? And he asked them: How many loaves have ye? Who said: Seven. And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground. And taking the seven loaves, giving thanks, he broke and gave to his disciples for to set before them. And they set them before the people. And they had a few little fishes: and he blessed them and commanded them to be set before them. And they did eat and were filled: and they took up that which was left of the fragments, seven baskets. And they that had eaten were about four thousand. And he sent them away.” (Holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 8:1-9)

2. Meditatio

Reflect on the passage, considering what it says about Christ and how it speaks to your own spiritual life.

  • Jesus’ compassion: Reflect on Jesus’ deep compassion for the multitude who had been with Him for three days without food. Consider His concern for both their physical and spiritual well-being.
  • The disciples’ doubt: The disciples question how they can feed such a large crowd in the wilderness. Reflect on moments of doubt in your own life and how you can trust in Jesus’ provision.
  • The loaves and fishes: Jesus uses the small amount of food available to perform a miracle. Reflect on how God can use our seemingly small offerings to achieve great things.
  • Giving thanks: Jesus gives thanks before breaking the loaves. Reflect on the importance of gratitude in your own life, especially before meals and other daily blessings.
  • Abundance from scarcity: Despite the initial scarcity, everyone ate and was filled, with leftovers collected. Reflect on how God provides abundantly for our needs, often in ways we do not expect.

3. Oratio

Respond to the passage with prayer, seeking to connect with God through the text.

Lord Jesus, as I reflect on Thy compassion for the multitude, I am reminded of Thy constant care and provision for me. Help me to trust in Thine ability to provide for all my needs, even in times of doubt and scarcity. Teach me to offer what I have, however small, with a grateful heart, knowing that it is Thou who can multiply it for Thy glory. I thank Thee for Thine abundant blessings and for always being my provider. Amen.

4. Contemplatio

Spend some time in silent contemplation, resting in God’s presence and allowing the truths of the passage to sink deeply into your heart.

Think of yourself being among the multitude, witnessing Jesus’ compassion and the miraculous feeding. Feel the satisfaction and gratitude of being filled by His provision. Rest in the assurance that Jesus knows your needs and provides for you abundantly. Contemplate the trust and gratitude that should permeate your life.

5. Actio

Consider how you can apply the insights gained from this passage to your daily life.

  • Trust in Jesus’ provision: In moments of doubt or need, remind yourself of Jesus’ ability to provide and care for you.
  • Offer your gifts: Give what you have, no matter how small, trusting that God can use it for great purposes.
  • Practice gratitude: Cultivate a habit of giving thanks, especially before meals and for daily blessings.
  • Show compassion: Reflect Jesus’ compassion in your interactions with others, especially those in need.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)