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Lectio Divina for 25 September 2024


“My eyes are ever toward Yahweh, for He will pull my feet from the snare.” (Psalm 24:15)


The psalmist’s eyes are constantly fixed on the Lord, symbolising unwavering trust and focus. As Christians, we are called to fix our eyes on Christ, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). By keeping our gaze on Jesus, we remain steadfast in times of trial and temptation, knowing that He leads and strengthens us.

In this verse, snares represent the traps of sin, temptation, and spiritual danger. In Christ, we have the perfect Saviour who rescues us from the snares of the evil one. Through His sacrifice on the Cross, Jesus broke the bonds of sin and death, offering us freedom. We can trust Him to deliver us from any spiritual or moral dangers we face.

When we meditate on this passage, we recognise that it is Christ who protects us and frees us from the snares of sin, as long as we keep our focus on Him.


Lord Jesus Christ, I keep my eyes fixed on You. You are my strength and my deliverer. In times of trial and temptation, when snares surround me, I trust that You will pull me to safety. Help me to remain vigilant and focused on You, knowing that You alone can deliver me from the traps of sin and evil. Lead me on the path of righteousness, and let my heart rest in Your protection.

In silence, contemplate Christ as the one who frees you from the snares of sin. Imagine yourself caught in a trap, and Christ reaching down to pull you out with His loving hands. Rest in the assurance that, as long as you keep your gaze fixed on Him, no snare can hold you captive. Let this truth bring peace and confidence to your soul.


Throughout the day, consciously turn your attention back to the Lord when you face temptation or difficult situations. Keep your spiritual eyes on Him.

In moments of prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to show you any “snares” in your life—whether it be sinful habits, distractions, or spiritual dangers—and trust in Christ to deliver you.

Strengthen your trust in God by reading Scripture regularly, keeping your heart aligned with His will, and remembering His power to save.

In Christ, we find protection, guidance, and freedom from all that would lead us astray. Let your heart be constantly focused on Him, and He will keep your feet safe from every trap.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)