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Lectio Divina for 25 August 2024


Passage: “From them that resist thy right hand keep me, as the apple of thy eye. Protect me under the shadow of thy wings.” (Psalm 16:8, DR)


  • “From them that resist thy right hand”: David asks for protection from those who oppose God’s power and authority. Meditate on the challenges and opposition you face in your own spiritual life. Think of how often you encounter resistance, whether from external forces or internal struggles, that seeks to pull you away from the Lord’s guidance.
  • “Keep me, as the apple of thy eye”: The phrase “apple of thy eye” refers to something precious and highly valued. David is asking God to guard him with the same care that one would protect their most treasured possession. Meditate on the love and value God places on you, considering how He watches over you with tender care.
  • “Protect me under the shadow of thy wings”: This imagery evokes the image of a bird sheltering its young under its wings, offering warmth, safety, and protection. Think about how the Lord provides you with shelter and refuge in times of trouble. How does His presence offer you comfort and safety?


Lord, I come unto Thee seeking protection from those who are opposed to Thy truth and sovereignty. Keep me safe as the apple of Thine eye, for Thou hast assured me that I am precious in Thy sight. Shelter me under the shadow of Thy wings, where I find refuge and peace. I trust in Thy tender loving care and protection, knowing that Thou art always with me. Amen.


  • Contemplate God’s Protection: Think of yourself under God’s wings, safe and secure from all harm. Allow the sense of His protective presence to fill you with peace and assurance.
  • Rest in God’s Love: Spend time contemplating how deeply God values you, holding you as the apple of His eye. Let this awareness deepen your trust in His love and care.


  • Seek Refuge in Prayer: When you face opposition or feel threatened, turn to prayer as your refuge. Make it a habit to seek the Lord’s protection and guidance whenever you encounter resistance in your spiritual journey.
  • Value Others as God Values You: Reflecting on how God cherishes you, strive to show the same care and protection to those around you. Whether it’s offering support to someone in need or being a source of comfort to others, let God’s love and protection flow through you to those you encounter.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)