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Lectio Divina for 24 September 2024


“O Yahweh, remember Your compassion and Your mercies, which are from ages past. Do not remember the offenses of my youth and my transgressions. Remember me according to Your mercy, because of Your goodness, O Yahweh.” (Psalm 24:6-7)

This passage is a humble plea for God’s mercy, acknowledging past sins and seeking forgiveness. It reflects deep trust in Yahweh’s eternal compassion and goodness.


“Remember Your compassion and Your mercies, which are from ages past.” David appeals to God’s eternal nature, calling on His unchanging mercy and compassion. As Christians, we understand this mercy fully revealed in Christ. Through His Incarnation, death, and Resurrection, Christ made visible the mercy of God that has existed from all eternity.

“Do not remember the offenses of my youth and my transgressions.” Here, David seeks forgiveness for past sins. In Christ, we find complete forgiveness through His sacrifice on the Cross. The sins of our past are washed away by His blood. This verse points us to the hope we have in Christ’s redemptive work.

“Remember me according to Your mercy, because of Your goodness, O Yahweh.” David recognises that salvation is not earned but is based on God’s mercy and goodness. Christ, in His goodness, offers us this mercy freely. We are called to trust in this divine mercy, not in our own merits, but in the infinite goodness of God.


“Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You to remember Your eternal compassion and mercy. I bring before You my sins and transgressions, trusting in Your forgiveness. Do not look upon my past mistakes, but see me through the lens of Your mercy. Because of Your goodness, I know that You will not abandon me. I place all my hope in You, my Saviour, who has redeemed me through the Cross.”

In silence, contemplate the mercy of God as revealed in Christ. Picture Christ on the Cross, bearing the weight of your sins and extending forgiveness to you. Rest in the knowledge that your sins are forgiven and that God’s mercy is infinite. Allow this contemplation to fill you with gratitude and peace, knowing that Christ’s sacrifice has secured your reconciliation with God.


Examine your conscience and bring any lingering guilt or shame to Christ in the Sacrament of Confession, trusting in His boundless mercy. When is the last time you went to Confession?

Make a conscious effort to forgive others as Christ has forgiven you, showing the same mercy to those who have wronged you.

Live in the freedom of knowing that God does not remember your sins, but sees you through His goodness and mercy. Let this awareness fill you with joy and hope.

We are invited to trust in the eternal mercy of our God Yahweh, fully revealed in our Lord Jesus Christ. His compassion extends to all who seek Him with a repentant heart.

(Guest author)

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)