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Lectio Divina for 22 September 2024

“To you, Yahweh, I have lifted up my soul. In you, my God, I trust. Let me not be put to shame.” (Psalm 24:1-2)

This psalm is a cry of trust and surrender to the Lord. David lifts up his soul in a gesture of complete reliance on God, expressing faith that God will not allow him to be disgraced or abandoned.


“To you, Yahweh, I have lifted up my soul.” This is an act of offering and surrender. Lifting up one’s soul means entrusting our deepest self to God—our thoughts, desires, and emotions. It’s a movement of turning everything we are over to Him.

“In you, my God, I trust.” Trust in God is foundational to the Christian life. This is an act of placing our confidence in God’s care and providence. David declares that he finds security and hope in the Lord alone.

“Let me not be put to shame.” Shame here refers to being abandoned or disappointed in hope. David asks God to be faithful to His promises, to protect him from disgrace, and to show His power and love in his life.

As we meditate, we recognise our own need to trust in God, lifting up our souls to Him and asking for protection from all that would cause us shame or disgrace.


O Lord, I lift up my soul to You. I trust in Your mercy and Your faithfulness. Do not let me be put to shame; do not let my hope in You be in vain. Strengthen my faith, especially in times of trial, and let me always rely on Your goodness. I surrender myself to You, knowing that You will not abandon me. Amen.

Sit in silence before God, imagining yourself lifting your soul up to Him. Allow your heart to rest in the security of His presence. Contemplate His faithfulness and the trust you can have in Him. Let go of any fear or anxiety, resting in the assurance that God will never put you to shame. Simply be with Him, trusting in His love and care.


Surrender any area of your life where you are struggling to trust God fully. Lift it up to Him in prayer, offering your soul into His hands.

When you face moments of doubt or fear, remind yourself of this psalm: “In you, my God, I trust.” Repeat this verse as an act of faith.

Live confidently in the knowledge that God will not abandon you or allow you to be put to shame, trusting in His constant care and protection.

This passage invites us to lift up our souls to the Lord in complete trust, knowing that He is faithful and will never allow those who rely on Him to be disgraced. Place your hope in Him, and trust in His unfailing love.

(Guest author)

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)