Home » Lectio Divina » Lectio Divina for 22 August 2024

Lectio Divina for 22 August 2024


Passage: “Thou hast made known to me the ways of life, thou shalt fill me with joy with thy countenance: at thy right hand are delights even to the end.” (Psalm 15:11, DR)


  • The Ways of Life: David acknowledges that God has revealed the paths that lead to true life. This way of life is not merely a path of existence but a journey towards spiritual fullness and eternal joy. Meditate on how God has guided you in your life. Are you attentive to His guidance? Consider the ways the Lord has shown you to live a life that is in accordance with His will, leading to spiritual fulfilment.
  • Joy in God’s Presence: David speaks about the joy that comes from being in the presence of God. This is a joy that surpasses all earthly pleasures, rooted in the very face (presence) of God, which represents His favour and closeness. Meditate on the moments when you have felt the joy of God’s presence. How does this joy compare to the fleeting happiness the world offers? How can you seek more of this joy in your daily life?
  • Eternal Delights at God’s Right Hand: David concludes by recognising that at God’s right hand are “delights even to the end.” This not only refers to the pleasures of life in the Lord’s presence here and now but also the eternal joys that await in heaven with Christ. Meditate on the eternal perspective of your life. Do you live with the hope and expectation of these eternal delights? How does the promise of eternal joy influence your daily decisions and actions?


O Lord, Thou hast made known unto me the ways of life, leading me on the path that brings true joy and fulfilment. Fill me with the joy that comes from Thy presence, and help me to always seek Thy face. May I find delight at Thy right hand, now and forever, as I live in the hope of the eternal joys Thou hast promised. Amen.


  • Rest in the Joy of God’s Presence: Contemplate the joy that comes from being in God’s presence. Imagine yourself sitting at His right hand, basking in His eternal light. Allow this joy to fill your heart and bring you peace.
  • Embrace the Eternal Perspective: Contemplate the eternal nature of God’s promises. Rest in the knowledge that the delights and joys of being in God’s presence are not just for this life but will continue for all eternity.


  • Seek God’s Guidance: Make a conscious effort to seek God’s guidance in all areas of your life. Spend time in prayer and reflection, asking God to reveal His ways to you each day.
  • Cultivate Joy in God’s Presence: Actively seek the joy that comes from spending time in God’s presence. Whether through prayer, worship, or contemplation, make it a priority to connect with God and experience the fullness of joy that only He can provide.
  • Live with an Eternal Perspective: Let the promise of eternal delights at God’s right hand shape your daily life. Make decisions that reflect your hope in God’s eternal promises, and let this perspective guide you in your relationships, work, and spiritual practices.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)