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Lectio Divina for 18 September 2024


“Even if I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils. For you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they have given me consolation.” (Psalm 22:4)


We are reminded that trials and suffering are inevitable, but we are not alone. The shadow of death looms in times of fear, illness, or any overwhelming difficulty. As Christians, we know that even in the face of death itself, we can remain confident because of Christ’s victory over death. Jesus, who endured suffering and death for us, walks with us in our struggles.

Trust in Yahweh dispels fear. Fear of evil, suffering, or even death can be overwhelming, yet David proclaims a firm confidence in the Lord’s presence. We are called to trust that God is greater than any fear or evil we face. Christ’s resurrection assures us that death does not have the final word, and with Him at our side, no evil can truly harm us.

The presence of God makes all the difference. Even in the darkest times, we find courage and hope because God is with us. Jesus, Emmanuel, is “God with us,” and through Him, we have the assurance of God’s constant companionship. Meditate on how God’s presence in your life brings peace, even in moments of trial or uncertainty.

The rod and staff were tools of a shepherd, used to guide and protect the sheep. The rod defends against threats, and the staff directs and comforts the sheep, keeping them close to the shepherd. In this imagery, we see how God provides both protection and guidance. Christ, the Good Shepherd, protects us from spiritual dangers and guides us along the path of life. Meditate on how God’s discipline, correction, and protection bring you comfort and lead you in the right way.


O Lord, even in the darkest valleys of life, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your presence gives me courage, and Your guidance and protection bring me comfort. Strengthen my trust in You, that I may always walk in faith, knowing You are beside me. Through Christ, my Shepherd, I find peace, even in the shadow of death. Amen.


Take time to simply rest in the assurance that God is with you, especially in moments of fear or trial.

Meditate on how Christ’s protection and guidance have been a source of consolation in your life.


In moments of fear or anxiety, remind yourself that God is with you. Speak this verse in prayer, trusting in His presence.

Reflect on how God may be using situations in your life to guide and protect you. Be open to His correction and leading.

As you experience God’s comforting presence, consider how you might extend that same comfort to others who are going through difficult times.

This passage is a powerful reminder of God’s constant presence and protection, even in life’s darkest moments. Through Christ, the Good Shepherd, we can walk confidently, knowing that we are never alone, and that no evil can separate us from His love.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)