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Lectio Divina for 17 September 2024


“Yahweh directs me, and nothing will be lacking to me. He has settled me here, in a place of pasture. He has led me out to the water of refreshment. He has converted my soul. He has led me away on the paths of justice, for the sake of his name.” (Psalm 22:1-3)


The Lord Yahweh is spoken of as the shepherd who guides and provides everything in which we need. We can meditate on how God sustains us in every aspect of our lives, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Just as a shepherd takes responsibility for his sheep, so does the Lord care for us. Christ Himself, the Good Shepherd, leads us to eternal life. Meditate on your dependence on God, and consider how trusting Him leaves no lack in your life.

Like sheep resting in green pastures, we are called to find our rest in God’s presence. Christ invites us to lay our burdens upon Him, offering His peace that surpasses understanding. Meditate on how Christ brings you to the “green pastures” of spiritual nourishment, especially through the Eucharist and the Sacraments.

Water symbolises life, cleansing, and renewal. In Christ, we are led to the living waters that refresh our souls. Christ Himself is the Living Water, who satisfies our deepest thirsts. Meditate on how the Lord brings you to these waters, especially through prayer and the Sacraments, where your soul finds true refreshment.

The conversion of the soul is a turning back to God, a renewal of our hearts. Christ, through His grace, transforms us from within, calling us to live in holiness and truth. Meditate on how God has been at work in your life, leading you closer to Him.

God’s guidance leads us to walk in righteousness and justice. The paths of justice are the way of following God’s commandments and living according to His will. Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and by following Him, we walk in the path of justice. Consider how your life can reflect God’s justice and righteousness, as you live in a way that glorifies His name.


O Yahweh, my Shepherd, I trust in Your guidance and care. You lead me to peace, refreshment, and spiritual renewal. Convert my soul, O Lord, and guide me always on the paths of justice for Your name’s sake. Through Christ, the Good Shepherd, I am led to the living waters of Your grace. Help me to trust You completely, knowing that in You, I lack nothing. Amen.


Spend time resting in the knowledge that God provides for all your needs. Let this trust fill your heart with peace.

Contemplate how Christ refreshes your soul, drawing you into deeper communion with Him through His grace and the Sacraments.


In times of stress or anxiety, remind yourself that the Lord is your shepherd, and He will provide for all your needs.

Make time for prayer, Scripture reading, and the Sacraments, allowing God to refresh and renew your soul.

Reflect on how you can live justly in your daily interactions, seeking to honour God by following His commandments.

In this passage, we see the significant love and care of Yahweh as our Shepherd, who, through Christ, leads us to true rest and righteousness. Let us trust Him and follow His guidance faithfully.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)