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Lectio Divina for 16 July 2024


Read the passage slowly and attentively, paying close attention to each word and detail.

Passage: “Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh, you shall die: but if by the Spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live. For whosoever are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again in fear: but you have received the spirit of adoption of sons, whereby we cry: Abba (Father). For the Spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit that we are the sons of God. And if sons, heirs also; heirs indeed of God and joint heirs with Christ: yet so, if we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified with him.” (Romans 8:12-17)


Reflect on the passage, considering what it says about Christ and how it speaks to your own spiritual life.

  • Debtors to the Spirit: Reflect on the idea that we are debtors, not to the flesh, but to the Spirit. Consider what it means to live according to the Spirit rather than the flesh.
  • Life through the Spirit: Meditate on the promise of life if we mortify the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit. Consider the daily struggles and triumphs in living a life led by the Spirit.
  • Sons of God: Reflect on the truth that those led by the Spirit are the children of God. Consider the implications of this divine sonship and how it affects your identity and actions.
  • Spirit of adoption: Reflect on the spirit of adoption that allows us to cry out “Abba, Father.” Consider the intimacy and love in this relationship with God as our Father.
  • Heirs with Christ: Meditate on the inheritance we receive as sons of God and joint heirs with Christ. Consider the glory and responsibility that come with this inheritance, including sharing in Christ’s sufferings.


Respond to the passage with prayer, seeking to connect with God through the text.

Heavenly Father, as I reflect on Thy word, I am reminded of the beautiful truth that I am Thy child, led by Thy Spirit. Help me to live according to the Spirit and not the flesh, mortifying the deeds of the flesh by Thy grace. I thank Thee for the spirit of adoption that allows me to call Thee Abba. Strengthen me to embrace my identity as Thy child and joint heir with Christ, willing to share in His sufferings so that I may also share in His glory. Amen.


Spend some time in silent contemplation, resting in God’s presence and allowing the truths of the passage to sink deeply into your heart.

Think of yourself as a beloved child of God, embraced by the Father. Feel the peace and security of this relationship. Contemplate the inheritance you have as a joint heir with Christ and the call to live by the Spirit. Rest in the assurance of God’s love and the promise of eternal life.


Consider how you can apply the insights gained from this passage to your daily life.

  • Live by the Spirit: Make a conscious effort to live according to the Spirit, seeking God’s guidance and strength in all your actions.
  • Embrace your identity: Reflect on your identity as a child of God and joint heir with Christ. Let this truth shape your self-understanding and interactions with others.
  • Mortify the deeds of the flesh: Identify specific areas in your life where you need to mortify the deeds of the flesh. Seek the Spirit’s help in overcoming these struggles.
  • Foster intimacy with God: Cultivate a deeper relationship with God, embracing Him as Abba, Father, through prayer, reflection, and trust.
  • Accept suffering: Be willing to accept and embrace the sufferings that come with following Christ, knowing that they lead to greater glory with Him.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)