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Lectio Divina for 16 August 2024

Lectio (Reading)

Passage: “I have trusted in thy mercy. My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation: I will sing to the Lord, who giveth me good things: yea I will sing to the name of the Lord the Most High.” (Psalm 12:6, DR)


  • Trust in God’s Mercy: David expresses confidence in God’s mercy. Meditate on how essential it is to place your full trust in God’s merciful love, especially during moments of uncertainty or trial. His mercy is always present, ready to uplift and sustain you.
  • Joy in Salvation: Meditate on the joy that arises from the knowledge of God’s saving power. Salvation is not only concerns the future, but a present reality that fills the heart with rejoicing. Meditate on how God’s gift of salvation is a source of enduring joy for you, no matter the circumstances.
  • Gratitude and Praise: David resolves to sing to Yahweh, recognising that He continuously gives good things. Meditate on how praise and thanksgiving flow naturally from a heart that recognises God’s goodness. Even in difficult times, the memory of God’s blessings leads us to sing His praises.


O Lord, I trust in Thy unfailing mercy. Even when the path ahead is unclear, I rest in the knowledge that Thy mercy will never leave me. Fill my heart with the joy of Thy salvation, so that I may rejoice in Thy goodness all my days. I give thanks unto Thee for the countless blessings Thou hast bestowed upon me, and I sing Thy praises with a grateful heart. Help me always to remember Thy goodness and to glorify Thy name, for Thou art the Most High, the giver of every good gift. Amen.


Allow yourself to simply rest in the confidence of God’s mercy and salvation. Let the joy of His presence fill your heart with peace. As you sit in this state of contemplation, let your soul quietly sing to the Lord in gratitude for His goodness.


  • Trust in God’s Mercy: Actively entrust your worries and concerns to God’s mercy throughout the day. Whenever you face a challenge, recall this passage and remind yourself to rely on His mercy.
  • Rejoice in Salvation: Make a conscious effort to reflect on the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ daily, allowing it to be a source of joy and strength for you. Let your heart rejoice in God’s saving love, no matter your circumstances.
  • Sing God’s Praises: Incorporate moments of praise and thanksgiving into your daily life. Even in small things, acknowledge God’s blessings and offer up songs of gratitude, praising Him for all that He has done.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)