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Lectio Divina for 15 September 2024


“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will call upon the name of Yahweh our God. They have been bound, and they have fallen. But we have risen up, and we have been set upright. O Yahweh, save the king, and hear us on the day that we will call upon you.” (Psalm 19:8-10)


  • “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses”: In the ancient world, chariots and horses represented military power and human strength. Many place their faith in worldly power, wealth, or human resources to solve their problems. Yet, David contrasts this misplaced trust with reliance on the Lord. Meditate on how you are tempted to trust in your own strength or worldly solutions, rather than in God’s providence.
  • “But we will call upon the name of Yahweh our God”: True security is found not in human power, but in calling upon the name of Yahweh our God. This calling upon God signifies a deep trust in His sovereign will and protection. As Christians, we recognise that Christ is the ultimate fulfilment of this trust. Through His victory on the Cross, we have redemption, and in His name, we find true strength. Meditate on how Jesus Christ is your refuge and strength, especially in moments of weakness or trial.
  • “They have been bound, and they have fallen. But we have risen up, and we have been set upright”: Those who rely on human power are ultimately brought down, while those who trust in the Lord are lifted up. This echoes the resurrection of Christ—when His enemies thought He had been defeated, He rose in glory. In our own lives, when we trust in Jesus, we too will rise, no matter how difficult our circumstances. Meditate on how Christ has lifted you up in times of trial.
  • “O Yahweh, save the king, and hear us on the day that we will call upon you”: This plea for God to save the king highlights the importance of praying for our leaders, but also points to Christ as the King of Kings. Through Christ, we call upon God with confidence, knowing He hears us. Meditate on how you call upon Christ in prayer, trusting in His kingship and protection over your life.


Lord, I come before You, knowing that true strength is found only in You. While others may place their trust in worldly power and human efforts, I will call upon Your name, Yahweh, for You are my refuge and my strength. In Christ, You have shown me the way of salvation, and through His resurrection, You lift me up from the depths. Hear me, Lord, on the day I call upon You, and grant me the grace to trust in You more deeply each day. Amen.


  • Contemplate God’s Sovereignty: Contemplate on the power and faithfulness of God. Consider how His plan surpasses all human power and effort, and let this truth give you peace.
  • Rest in Christ’s Victory: Allow yourself to rest in the knowledge that Jesus’ resurrection has overcome the world. In Him, you are lifted up, even when circumstances seem overwhelming.


  • Trust in Yahweh, not in worldly solutions: When faced with challenges, turn to prayer first, seeking God’s guidance and help rather than relying solely on your own strength or worldly solutions.
  • Call upon Christ in times of need: Make it a habit to call upon Christ in moments of struggle or weakness, trusting that He will raise you up as He was raised from the dead.
  • Pray for your leaders: Pray for those in authority, especially those responsible for guiding the Church and your community, that they may follow God’s will.

Through this passage, may your trust in Yahweh grow, recognising Christ as your true King, protector, and strength.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)