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Lectio Divina for 13 September 2024


“And the eloquence of my mouth will be so as to please, along with the meditation of my heart, in your sight, forever, O Yahweh, my helper and my redeemer.” (Psalm 18:15)


  • “The eloquence of my mouth will be so as to please”: David desires that his words are pleasing to God, meaning that he has a longing to make sure his speech is in accord with God’s will. Meditate on how your words, when filled with truth and grace, can be a form of worship and a testimony to the Lord’s goodness.
  • “The meditation of my heart”: True transformation begins within. The meditation of the heart represents one’s deepest thoughts, desires, and intentions. God wants you to be pure not only in speech but also in the hidden life of the heart. Meditate on how your thoughts can be sanctified and in accordance with God’s holiness.
  • “In your sight, forever”: David speaks of living a life in constant awareness of the Lord’s presence. This means acknowledging that God sees all, and thus seeking to live a life that pleases Him. Meditate on how being aware of God’s constant gaze can inspire you to strive for holiness in both thought and action.
  • “O Yahweh, my helper and my redeemer”: The Lord Yahweh is both the one who helps us in our struggles and the one who redeems us from sin. In this, we see a foreshadowing of Christ, who is the ultimate Redeemer, rescuing us from sin and death through His sacrifice on the Cross. Jesus is the perfect embodiment of this help and redemption, and it is through Him that our words and hearts can be made pleasing to the Father.


Heavenly Father, You are my helper and redeemer. I come before You, asking that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart may always be pleasing in Your sight. Purify my speech and my thoughts so that they may be in accordance with Your holy will. May I live in constant awareness of Your presence, seeking to honour You in everything I do. I thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, who through His redemption has made it possible for me to be transformed in both word and heart. Through Him, and with the Holy Spirit, may I glorify You forever. Amen.


  • Contemplate the Power of Words and Thoughts: Rest in the understanding that both what you say and what you meditate upon are seen by God. Allow yourself to be in tune with His will, seeking to glorify Him through your speech and inner thoughts.
  • Reflect on Christ as Redeemer: Jesus Christ has redeemed not only our actions but our very hearts and minds. In this redemption, He has given us the grace to think and speak in a way that honours the Father. Contemplate on Christ’s role in your daily transformation and praise Him for His redeeming work in your life.


  • Guard Your Speech: Make an effort to speak words that uplift, encourage, and glorify God. Be mindful of the impact of your words and seek to speak truthfully and with love.
  • Purify Your Thoughts: Take time each day to meditate on Scripture and make sure your thoughts are in line with God’s Word. Practice filtering out negativity and sinful thoughts, replacing them with reflections on Christ and His goodness.
  • Trust in Christ’s Redemption: Remember that Christ, your Redeemer, has given you the power to live a life pleasing to God. Rely on His grace to help you live in holiness, both in word and thought.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)