Home » Lectio Divina » Lectio Divina for 12 August 2024

Lectio Divina for 12 August 2024


Passage: “The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in heaven. His eyes look on the poor man: his eyelids examine the sons of men.” (Psalm 10:5)


  • Divine Presence: The passage begins by declaring that the Lord is in His holy temple, with His throne in heaven. Meditate on the majesty and transcendence of God, who reigns from on high yet is present in His holy temple. Consider the awe-inspiring reality of God’s presence both in heaven and among His people.
  • God’s Watchful Eye: The passage tells us that God’s eyes are upon the poor man, and His eyelids examine the sons of men. Meditate on the intimate concern and attentiveness of God, who sees and knows the struggles of the poor and the actions of all men. Think of how this speaks to God’s justice, as He closely observes the hearts and deeds of every person.
  • Compassionate Observation: The specific mention of God’s eyes looking upon the poor highlights His compassion. Meditate on how God’s gaze is not one of indifference but of care and concern, especially for those who are vulnerable and oppressed. Think about how this reflects God’s heart for the marginalized and how it challenges you to do the same.


O Lord, Thou dwellest in holiness and majesty, reigning from Thy heavenly throne. Yet, Thou dost not overlook the lowly and the poor. I give thanks unto Thee for Thy watchful care, for seeing those who are often overlooked by the world. Help me to trust in Thy justice, knowing that Thou seest and know all things. Teach me to have a heart like unto Thine, one that is attentive to the needs of others and seeks to reflect Thy compassion in all I do. Amen.


Contemplate the image of God’s throne in heaven and His eyes looking with care upon the poor. Rest in the knowledge that God is aware of all your needs and the needs of those around you. Let this awareness bring you peace and trust in His perfect justice and love.


  • Be Aware of Others: Take time to notice those around you who may be struggling or in need. Just as God’s eyes are on the poor, make an effort to see and respond to the needs of those who are often overlooked.
  • Trust in God’s Justice: When facing situations of injustice or hardship, remember that God sees and knows all. Trust in His perfect timing and judgment, and seek to align your actions with His will.
  • Reflect God’s Compassion: Strive to be a reflection of God’s compassionate gaze in your interactions with others. Show kindness and care, especially towards those who are vulnerable or in need of support.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)