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Lectio Divina for 11 October 2024


“Yahweh is a firmament to those who fear him, and his covenant will be made manifest to them. My eyes are ever toward Yahweh, for he will pull my feet from the snare.” (Psalm 24:14-15)

Meditate on how the Lord can be a “firmament”—a solid, protective foundation for those who fear Him.

Meditate on how the Creator is your strength and stability in moments of doubt and fear. Think of the importance of fearing the Lord, not in the sense of being terrified, but as deep reverence and awe for His greatness and holiness. This fear is the path to intimacy with our Heavenly Father, for He reveals His covenant to those who honour Him.

Meditate on how God’s covenant—His promises and relationship with you—becomes clearer when you approach Him with this reverence.

Meditate on where your eyes are fixed. When traps or snares appear in your life, do you keep your focus on the Lord, trusting in Yahweh’s power to deliver you? Meditate on the idea of being pulled from the snare by God, who is always ready to rescue those who trust in Him.

O Yahweh, You are my firmament, my solid foundation. I stand in awe of Your greatness and holiness, knowing that in You, I find strength and stability. Reveal Your covenant to me, Lord, and let me walk in Your ways with reverence and love. My eyes are ever toward You, Yahweh, trusting that You will pull me from every snare and danger. Grant me the grace to stay focused on You in all circumstances, knowing that You are my protector and deliverer.

Imagine yourself standing beneath the vast firmament of the heavens, a symbol of the Lord’s strength and protection surrounding you. Feel the stability and peace that comes from knowing that God is your firm foundation. Let your heart rest in the awe of His greatness and holiness, trusting that His covenant is being revealed to you. Now picture yourself in a difficult situation, a snare or trap set before you, and see Yahweh pulling you free, His strong hand lifting you to safety. Let this image fill you with peace and trust, knowing that your eyes are always fixed on Him, and He will not fail to deliver you.

Take this message into your daily life by focusing your attention more intentionally on the Lord, especially in moments of stress or danger. Practice the reverent fear of God by aligning your actions with His will and seeking to grow in deeper intimacy with Him. When you feel trapped or overwhelmed, remind yourself to keep your eyes on Yahweh, trusting in His promise to deliver you. Let this confidence in His protection and covenant guide your decisions and bring peace to your heart.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)