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Lectio Divina for 10 July 2024

1. Lectio

Read the passage slowly and attentively, paying close attention to each word and detail.

Passage: “As he was yet speaking to the multitudes, behold his mother and his brethren stood without, seeking to speak to him. And one said unto him: Behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without, seeking thee. But he answering him that told him, said: Who is my mother, and who are my brethren? And stretching forth his hand towards his disciples, he said: Behold my mother and my brethren. For whosoever shall do the will of my Father, that is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

2. Meditatio

Reflect on the passage, considering what it says about Christ and how it speaks to your own spiritual life.

  • Jesus’ family seeking Him: Reflect on the significance of Jesus’ earthly family seeking to speak with Him. Consider the relationship between His earthly family and His mission.
  • Jesus’ response: Reflect on Jesus’ response, “Who is my mother, and who are my brethren?” Consider what this means in the context of His ministry and the broader spiritual family.
  • The definition of family: Reflect on Jesus’ statement that those who do the will of His Father are His brother, sister, and mother. Consider how this redefines the concept of family in the spiritual sense.
  • Doing the will of the Father: Reflect on the importance of doing the will of the Father as the criteria for being part of Jesus’ spiritual family. Consider how you can more faithfully align your actions with God’s Will.

3. Oratio

Respond to the passage with prayer, seeking to connect with God through the text.

Lord Jesus Christ, as I reflect on Thy words, I am reminded of the importance of being part of Thy spiritual family by doing the will of the Father. Help me to understand and fulfil God’s will in my life. Grant me the grace to recognise my true brothers and sisters in those who live according to Thy teachings. Strengthen my commitment to live out my faith in a way that pleases Thee. Amen.

4. Contemplatio

Spend some time in silent contemplation, resting in God’s presence and allowing the truths of the passage to sink deeply into your heart.

Think of yourself as standing among the disciples as Jesus stretches forth His hand towards you, calling you His brother or sister. Feel the sense of belonging to His spiritual family through your commitment to doing the will of the Father. Contemplate the call to live a life that reflects this deep spiritual relationship.

5. Actio

Consider how you can apply the insights gained from this passage to your daily life.

  • Align with God’s will: Strive to understand and fulfil God’s will in your daily actions and decisions.
  • Embrace your spiritual family: Recognise and cherish the spiritual family you have in the Catholic remnant who seek to do God’s will.
  • Live out your faith: Demonstrate your commitment to being part of Jesus’ spiritual family by living according to His teachings and being a witness to His love.
  • Seek God’s guidance: Regularly pray for guidance to discern and follow God’s will in all aspects of your life.
  • Strengthen relationships: Foster relationships within your spiritual community, supporting and encouraging one another in the journey of faith.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)