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Lectio Divina for 1 September 2024


“Yahweh will reward me according to my justice and according to the purity of my hands before his eyes.” (Psalm 17:25, WCV)


  • “Yahweh will reward me according to my justice”: David expresses confidence that the Lord will reward him based on his just actions. Meditate on how justice is lived out in your own life. Are your actions righteous and fair, not only in the eyes of men, but in the sight of God? Meditate on how you treat others and whether your decisions reflect God’s justice.
  • “According to the purity of my hands before his eyes”: We read of David’s integrity and purity in his dealings, knowing that God sees everything. Meditate concerning the purity of your own actions and intentions. Do you strive to act with a clean heart and pure motives, knowing that God sees all? Meditate on areas in your life where you need to grow in purity and righteousness.
  • Divine Reward: The fact that Yahweh rewards justice and purity should be a source of encouragement. Meditate on the spiritual rewards that come from living a just and pure life. How does this motivate you to continue pursuing righteousness, even when it’s difficult?


Lord, I thank You for being a just and merciful God. Help me to live a life that is just in Your sight, and to act with purity in all my dealings. Purify my heart, O Lord, so that my actions may be pleasing to You. I pray that You reward me not because I deserve it, but because You are good and faithful. Keep me steadfast in pursuing righteousness, knowing that You see all and that Your rewards are far greater than anything this world can offer. Amen.


  • Contemplate God’s Justice: Rest in the knowledge that God is just and rewards those who live according to His ways. Contemplate on the peace and assurance that comes from living a life that aligns with His justice.
  • Purity Before God: Contemplate the importance of purity in your actions and thoughts. Imagine living each moment with the awareness that God sees everything, and let this guide you towards greater integrity.


  • Pursue Justice in Your Daily Life: Make a conscious effort to ensure that your actions are just and fair, particularly in situations where it might be easier to compromise.
  • Cultivate Purity of Heart: Identify areas in your life where your motives or actions may not be pure, and take steps to correct them. This could involve prayer, confession, or seeking counsel to help you grow in holiness.
  • Trust in God’s Reward: Keep your focus on God’s eternal reward rather than seeking immediate gratification or approval from others. Let this motivate you to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)