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Lectio Divina for 1 August 2024


Read the passage attentively and carefully.

Passage: Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence. But his will is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he shall meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree which is planted near the running waters, which shall bring forth its fruit, in due season. And his leaf shall not fall off: and all whatsoever he shall do shall prosper. Not so the wicked, not so: but like the dust, which the wind driveth from the face of the earth. Therefore the wicked shall not rise again in judgment: nor sinners in the council of the just. For the Lord knoweth the way of the just: and the way of the wicked shall perish. (Psalm 1)


Meditate deeply on the passage, considering its meaning and implications.

  • Blessed is the Man: Meditate on the blessings that come from avoiding the influence of the ungodly and sinners. Consider how this avoidance leads to a life of righteousness and peace.
  • Delight in the Law of the Lord: Meditate on the importance of finding joy in Yahweh’s Law and constantly reflecting on it. Think about how regular engagement with Scripture shapes your heart and mind.
  • Tree Planted by Waters: Visualise yourself as a tree planted by streams of water, nourished and flourishing. Reflect on the stability and fruitfulness that come from being deeply rooted in God’s word.
  • Contrast with the Wicked: Consider the stark contrast between the righteous and the wicked. Reflect on the fleeting and unstable nature of a life apart from God, likened to chaff blown by the wind.
  • Judgment and Perishing: Ponder the ultimate fate of the wicked versus the righteous. Reflect on the assurance that the Lord knows the way of the just and the warning that the way of the wicked leads to destruction.


Respond to the passage with a heartfelt prayer.

O Lord, guide me away from the counsel of the ungodly and the path of sinners. Help me to delight in Thy Law and meditate on it day and night. May I be like a tree planted by the waters, flourishing and bearing fruit in season. Keep me firm in my faith and rooted in Thy word. Protect me from the ways of the wicked, and let me always walk in righteousness. I thank Thee for knowing the way of the just and for Thy guidance in my life. Amen.


Spend time in silent contemplation, allowing the message to resonate deeply within you.

Contemplate the image of a flourishing tree by streams of water, representing a life nourished by God’s word. Feel the peace and strength that comes from being rooted in His Law. Contrast this with the image of chaff, blown away by the wind, and recognise the security and permanence found in following God’s path. Let this contemplation deepen your commitment to living a life according to God’s will.


Determine a concrete action to take in response to the insights gained from the passage.

  • Engage with Scripture: Commit to a regular practice of reading and meditating on the Bible. Find a specific time each day to reflect on God’s word and let it guide your actions.
  • Avoid Ungodly Counsel: Be mindful of the influences in your life. Seek to avoid advice and paths that lead away from God and instead, surround yourself with those who encourage your faith. (1 Cor. 15:33)
  • Root Yourself in Prayer: Just as the tree is nourished by water, nourish your soul with prayer. Make time for regular, intentional prayer, seeking the Lord’s guidance and strength in all you do.
  • Live Righteously: Make a conscious effort to live a life that reflects the righteousness described in this Psalm. Be an example to others through your actions, showing the stability and fruitfulness of a life dedicated to God.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)