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Advent Devotional – Day 24

“And the Word became flesh, and he lived among us, and we saw his glory, glory like that of an only-begotten Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

On this final day of Advent, we celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation: the eternal Word of God became flesh and lived among us. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered the world in humility, taking on our humanity to redeem us and reconcile us to the Father. In Him, we see the fullness of God’s grace and truth revealed.

The glory of Christ is not like the fleeting glory of the world. It is the glory of divine love, manifest in the humility of His birth, the depth of His sacrifice, and the power of His resurrection. As we prepare to celebrate His birth, we are invited to behold His glory with hearts full of gratitude and wonder.

Advent has been a journey of waiting and preparing, but now the time of fulfilment has come. Christ is with us—our Emmanuel. Let us rejoice and share the good news of His coming with all who will listen.

Take a few quiet moments today to reflect on the wonder of the Incarnation. Then, share the joy of Christ’s birth with someone—a friend, neighbour, or even a stranger—by offering a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or an invitation to celebrate Christmas with you.

Lord Jesus, You are the Word made flesh, the light of the world, and the fulfilment of all the Father’s promises. We praise You for coming to dwell among us, bringing grace, truth, and salvation. May Your glory shine in our hearts and be reflected in our lives as we celebrate Your birth. Amen.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)