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Patriarchate warns of Bergoglio’s appointment as pope

The House of the Assembly of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem feels compelled to express our grave concerns regarding the appointment of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as pope. While we respect the sovereignty of the Roman Catholic Church and its centuries-old traditions, we believe it is our duty to caution against the potential risks associated with this appointment.

Our concerns stem from the following observations:

The appointment of Bergoglio will, regrettably, show signs of distancing the Roman Catholic Church from its ancient heritage. His liberal perspective and limited engagement with the Traditional Community have raised questions about the Church’s willingness to embrace its ancient roots.

We urge the Vatican to consider the implications of Bergoglio’s near silence on the child sexual abuse scandals within the Roman Catholic Church. It is our belief that a lack of attention to this very serious problem is an indication of complicity.

We believe that Bergoglio’s approach to interfaith dialogue will be nothing less than reckless and will be perceived as dangerous and paganistic.

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is dedicated to promoting unity, understanding, and spiritual growth throughout the world. While we respect the autonomy of the Roman Catholic Church, we implore its authorities to consider these concerns seriously and engage in open, constructive dialogue with those who have additional information concerning Bergoglio and his background and intentions for the future of the Catholic Church.

— 23 March 2013

On the recent disasters in Chile

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem offers its heartfelt condolences to the people of Chile in the wake of the catastrophic earthquake that has shaken their nation. The devastating impact of this natural disaster, which has also triggered a destructive tsunami across the Pacific, has left at least 500 lives lost, and the magnitude of this tragedy is deeply felt by us all. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families who have lost their loved ones and with those who are grappling with the aftermath of this tragic event.

This horrible disaster underscores the urgent need for international solidarity and support. It is our sincere hope that the global community will rally together to provide immediate assistance and aid to the affected regions, helping the people of Chile as they begin the arduous process of rebuilding their lives and communities.

— 3 March 2010

Earthquakes in Haiti leave thousands dead

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem extends its heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to the people of Haiti in the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck their nation’s capital. The tragic loss of hundreds of thousands of lives is a heartbreaking tragedy that has deeply affected us all. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the survivors who have lost their loved ones and to those who are facing immense challenges and suffering in the aftermath of this natural disaster. We stand in solidarity with the Haitian people during this incredibly difficult time.

In the face of such overwhelming adversity, it is imperative that the international community comes together to provide immediate relief and assistance to the affected communities. We call upon governments, organizations, and individuals around the world to extend their support and aid to Haiti, helping to rebuild the shattered lives and infrastructure.

May the people of Haiti find the strength to rebuild their nation, and may they know that they are not alone in their struggle to overcome this tragedy.

— 26 January 2010

Earthquake and tsunami in Japan

The devastating events of the earthquake and ensuing tsunami that struck the eastern region of Japan on 11 March left an indelible mark on our collective memory. Tragically, this natural disaster claimed thousands of lives, with thousands still missing, reminding us of the lasting impact that such catastrophic events can have on communities and the world.

The far-reaching consequences of this disaster are being felt globally as tsunami warnings were issued in several countries. The urgency and scale of the situation prompted the declaration of emergencies at four nuclear power plants affected by the earthquake, with a critical situation unfolding at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

The damage inflicted upon multiple units at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant resulted in several workers sustaining injuries and the release of massive amounts of contaminants into the environment including the ocean.

Our thoughts and condolences continue to go out to the victims and their families.

— 20 March 2011

Suicide attacks in Iraq

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is deeply saddened by the tragic events that unfolded in Baghdad, Iraq, with the two suicide attacks that claimed the lives of more than 150 innocent people and left more than 700 others injured. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families during this incredibly difficult time.

We strongly condemn these acts of violence that have once again shaken the peace and stability of the region. Such senseless acts of terror have no place in any civilized society, and we call upon the international community to unite in the pursuit of peace and justice. We urge the authorities in Iraq to bring the perpetrators of these heinous acts to justice swiftly, and to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of their citizens.

May the victims of these attacks find solace and strength in the midst of their suffering, and may the international community stand together in solidarity against the scourge of terrorism, striving for a world where peace and harmony prevail.

— 1 November 2009

Air crash in Iran

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem extends its deepest condolences and prayers to the families and loved ones affected by the devastating air crash in Jannatabad village, Qazvin Province. This tragedy has shaken us all, and our hearts go out to those who have lost their lives in this terrible incident.

In times of such sorrow and grief, it is important to come together as a community, offering support and solace to those who are suffering. We call upon members of the Church to join us in prayer for the victims and their families, that they may find strength and comfort in their time of need.

May the souls of the departed find eternal rest, and may the injured recover speedily.

— 20 July 2009

More than 100,000 people possibly dead

The Patriarchate has received distressing news early this month of the catastrophic impact of a cyclone in Burma (Myanmar), which has tragically claimed the lives of possibly more than 100,000 people. We are deeply saddened by this immense loss of life and extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and communities affected by this disaster. We ask the Church to pray about this matter.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Burma (Myanmar) during this challenging and sorrowful time. We call upon the international community to join hands in providing immediate assistance and support to those in need. In the face of such a deadly event, let us come together to offer solace and help to the affected regions.

— 7 May 2008

Thousands believed dead in Bangladesh

The Patriarchate expresses its deepest condolences and prayers for what could be thousands who have tragically lost their lives in Bangladesh due to a devastating cyclone that took place on 16 November.

Our hearts go out to the affected families and communities during this difficult time. We stand in solidarity with the people of Bangladesh and offer our support to the relief efforts aimed at providing assistance and comfort to those in need. May God grant strength and resilience to all those affected by this disaster.

— 20 November 2007

Statement from the Patriarchate concerning earthquake in Peru

With heavy hearts and profound sorrow we extend our deepest condolences and prayers to the people of Peru and all those affected by the devastating earthquake that struck the nation on 15 August. This tragic event has brought immense loss and suffering to hundreds of people, and we stand in solidarity with them during this trying time.

The earthquake, with its destructive force, has claimed the lives of many innocent souls, leaving families shattered and communities in mourning. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost their loved ones, and we share in the grief of our Peruvian brothers and sisters.

In times of such adversity, it is important for us to come together, offering support and assistance to those in need. We commend the brave efforts of the first responders, emergency personnel, and volunteers who are working tirelessly to provide aid, comfort, and relief to the affected regions.

We call upon all the faithful to pray, asking for strength and solace for the bereaved and healing for the injured. In times of tragedy our unity and compassion shine brightest. Together, we can help rebuild the lives and communities that have been devastated by this earthquake.

— 18 August 2007

Gifts from America

Members of the Church in America sent three large crates consisting of food and basic medications for distribution among less fortunate members in Iraq, Israel, Syria and Afghanistan.

All items were put to good use. Those who received the gifts expressed their heartfelt thanks.

— 7 June 2006

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)