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Patriarch Calls for Prayer Amidst Hurricane Milton

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN — His Holiness, Patriarch Seraphim Michael, has issued a solemn call for prayer as Hurricane Milton approaches and communities continue to recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene.

In a statement, His Holiness expressed deep concern for all those in the path of Hurricane Milton, urging members of the Church and all people of goodwill to unite in fervent prayer for their safety. “As this storm approaches, we must turn our hearts to God and intercede for the protection of the vulnerable, the strength of first responders, and the resilience of all who may be affected,” he said.

Patriarchate of Jerusalem Condemns Attacks on Ukrainian Believers

Patriarchate of Jerusalem Strongly Condemns Violent Attempts to Seize Ukrainian Churches, Calls for Immediate International Intervention

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN, 1 October 2024 — It is with great sorrow and righteous indignation that the Holy Patriarchate unequivocally condemns the recent violent attempts to seize the historic Cathedral of Cherkasy, an action clearly motivated by religious hatred, schismatic forces, and political entities. These brazen attacks on Orthodox holy sites are not only a direct assault on the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) but a violation of the sacredness of the Church of Christ as a whole. Such unlawful and sacrilegious actions cannot and will not be tolerated.

Israel Must Assert Right to Defend Citizens Against Terrorist Attacks

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL, 6 September 2024 – In light of ongoing threats and attacks against its people, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem encourages the State of Israel to reaffirm its unequivocal right to defend itself against all forms of terrorism. The safety and security of Israeli citizens should remain a top priority, especially as the region faces persistent threats from militant groups that have consistently rejected peaceful solutions.

While the government of Israel continues to strive for peaceful dialogue and negotiation, other world governments must recognise that these ideals cannot be achieved unilaterally. Unfortunately, terrorist organisations operating both within and outside its borders have demonstrated a clear unwillingness to engage in meaningful peace efforts, opting instead for violence and aggression.

God is Not to Be Mocked

From the Office of Patriarch Seraphim Michael

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN, 31 July 2024 – It is with righteous anger and unwavering determination that I address the recent blasphemy committed during the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics in Paris. Only a day ago, I witnessed the abhorrent acts through a shared video. The vile mockery of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Last Supper is not merely offensive to believers worldwide; it is a despicable affront to the sacred traditions and beliefs of countless faithful individuals.

On Human Rights, Torture, Cruel and Inhuman Treatment

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is committed to upholding human rights within its Canonical, Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction to the extent that it is capable and strongly believes and desires to put emphasis on the fact that all human beings, no matter what social status they may or may not hold, must not be subjected to any form of torture or to cruel or inhuman treatment and that any persons resorting to the torture or cruel treatment of fellow human beings should be held accountable by the law of their respective countries.

Patriarch Seraphim Affirms Traditional Doctrine and Emphasises God’s Infinite Mercy

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN 6 July 2024 – In a recent statement, in conjunction with the Patriarchal Conclave, Patriarch Seraphim reasserted the traditional Catholic teaching of “extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” (outside the Church there is no salvation). This doctrine teaches the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation, positing the Church as the primary means established by Christ for the salvation of souls.

The Patriarch also acknowledged the boundless nature of God’s mercy and grace. He emphasised that while the Catholic Church is the ordinary means of salvation, God’s grace can operate in mysterious ways beyond the visible confines of the Church. This understanding does not diminish the necessity of the Church but rather highlights the very deep nature of God’s mercy. His Holiness pointed out that those who live in a state of grace, love Christ, worship the Father, uphold the Apostles’ and Nicene Creed, and are baptised and confirmed, are mystically connected to the Catholic Church, even if they are not visibly united with it. Such individuals, he said, will have an opportunity for salvation in the afterlife through purgation.

Prayers Concerning Tropical Storm Beryl

SPAIN, 6 June 2024 – Rev. Fr. Santiago of La Iglesia Católica Antigua de Jerusalén in Spain, called for prayer regarding Hurricane Beryl, saying “Please pray for Mexico and the United States as hurricane Beryl moves closer to Texas.”

A tropical storm warning has been issued for several regions in Texas, including Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Victoria, and the surrounding areas, as meteorologists anticipate that Tropical Storm Beryl will make landfall between this weekend and Monday. The storm is expected to bring winds reaching up to 80 miles per hour or possibly higher.

Patriarch Urges Israel to Exercise Wisdom in Terrorist Conflict

Galilee, 12 June 2024 – The Patriarch today issued a statement encouraging Israel’s military to employ wisdom and discernment in their ongoing battle against the terrorists associated with Hamas. Amidst the escalating conflict, the Patriarch stressed the importance of strategic decision-making and thoughtful actions to minimize unnecessary suffering and ensure a path towards a just resolution.

The Patriarch emphasized the critical need for Israel’s leadership and citizens to carefully consider the broader implications of their actions. “In times of conflict, it is essential to remain vigilant and judicious,” said the Patriarch. “Our actions today will shape the future for generations to come. We must prioritise the well-being of all and avoid decisions that could lead to devastation of those caught in the crossfire.”

Condemnation of Iranian Attack on Israel


13 April 2024

The recent strike by Iran on the Holy Land has drawn condemnation from the Holy See. This aggressive action, taken without provocation, has caused harm to innocent civilians and is a blatant violation of international norms.

The Holy Land, has long been a symbol of resilience and peace. However, the unprovoked attack by Iranian forces has shattered this tranquility.

“We vehemently condemn Iran’s unwarranted strike on Israel,” stated Fr. Charles of Jesus and Mary, of the Galilean Patriarchate of Jerusalem. “Such actions are inexcusable and go against the principles of humanity. We stand in solidarity with the people of Israel during this challenging time.”

Israel, like any sovereign nation, has the inherent right to defend itself from any form of aggression. The attack on the Holy Land underscores the importance of vigilance and readiness in the face of such threats.

The Galilean Patriarchate of Jerusalem urges the international community to join in condemning this act of aggression by Iran and calls for a swift and just response to ensure the safety and security of all affected communities.

— 13 April 2024

Condemnation of Anti-Semitism on College Campuses

Acre, Israel, 10 December 2023 — In a resolute stance against the pernicious rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses, the Galilean Patriarchate of Jerusalem, as a community committed to fostering inclusivity and understanding, unequivocally condemn all forms of discrimination and prejudice.

The recent surge in incidents targeting individuals based on their Jewish identity has prompted us to reaffirm our commitment to creating an environment where diversity is celebrated and cherished. Educational institutions, as crucibles of enlightenment and intellectual growth, must be sanctuaries where students from all walks of life feel secure, valued, and free from discrimination.

Anti-Semitism, in any manifestation, is a betrayal of the principles that underpin the pursuit of knowledge and the exchange of ideas. It undermines the fundamental tenets of education, which are founded upon openness, respect, and a dedication to the common good.

We call upon all members of the academic community, from students to faculty, to actively combat the toxic currents of prejudice. Education, at its core, is a force for good, a beacon that dispels the darkness of ignorance. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that educational institutions not only educate the mind but also cultivate the spirit of empathy, compassion, and brotherhood among all humankind.

We commit to working collaboratively with educational institutions, community leaders, and advocacy groups to implement proactive measures that promote tolerance, diversity, and respect. By nurturing an environment where differences are embraced and celebrated, we can collectively build a brighter, more inclusive future.

In conclusion, let this condemnation be a clarion call for unity and a reminder of the collective responsibility we bear in shaping a world where the light of knowledge dispels the shadows of prejudice.

— 10 December 2023

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)