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Homily on Saint Matthew 7:15-21

By their fruits you shall know them

In our Gospel for today, we heard a strong admonition and an urgent call to discernment and authentic Christian living.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Our Lord begins with a stern warning. False prophets are not some relic of ancient times; false prophets have been a constant threat throughout the history of the Church. They disguise themselves with a veneer of piety and goodness, yet their true nature is revealed by their actions. They are like ravening wolves, seeking to lead the faithful astray, devouring the spiritual health of the flock.

Embracing Sacrifice for the Sake of Christ

On the Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew 10:37-42

Our Gospel for today, though challenging, is essential in understanding the demands of discipleship and the depth of commitment (more…)

Homily on Saint Mark 8:1-9

Our Gospel reading today presents us with the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, a deeply meaningful sign of Christ’s divine compassion and providence. This event, which fed four thousand people with only seven loaves and a few small fishes, reveals to us several important truths about our Lord and the nature of His mission.

Finding One’s Way Back to God

The Call to Repentance

In the journey of life, many people often stray from the path God has laid out for them. Yet, no matter how far one wanders, God’s call to repentance remains constant. The key is genuine repentance. Repentance is not merely feeling sorrow for sins committed; it is a complete turning away from sin and a sincere desire to return to God. This is beautifully illustrated in the parable of the Prodigal Son which can be read in the Gospel of St. Luke 15:11-32, where the father’s joy in welcoming back his repentant son reflects Almighty God’s infinite mercy.

The Compassion and Providence of God

Homily on Saint Mark 8:1-9

Today we meditate on an impressive miracle narrated in the Gospel according to Saint Mark 8:1-9. This passage presents us with the second multiplication of the loaves and fishes, an act of divine mercy and providence.

Jesus, seeing the crowd that had followed him for three days without having anything to eat, feels compassion for them. The word “compassion” means feeling deep in your gut, a deep empathy that moves you to action. Our Lord not only sees people’s physical needs, but he also cares about their overall well-being. This compassion of Jesus shows us the merciful heart of God, always attentive to our needs.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)