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Author Archives: Holy See

Deadly hurricane hits U.S.A.

Our prayers are with those who are suffering due to the recent hurricane that struck the southern states of the United States on 29 August. Hit especially hard was New Orleans.

Sources have indicated that the destruction is widespread and that flooding will continue for several days, or perhaps weeks. It is believed that hundreds of people have already died.

One of the elders with the Patriarchate said, “Economically speaking, the area will probably never recover. After the clean up process begins and the issuing of government grants, corruption is going to soar among local politicians and the money will never go back into the affected areas.”

— 30 August 2005

Tsunami brings death to thousands

We extend our deepest condolences to the nations affected by the devastating destruction. Our hearts ache as we continue to receive reports of the tragic loss of life in the wake of this natural disaster. The initial reports were already heartbreaking, with thousands of lives believed to have been lost in the immediate aftermath of the tsunami. It is with great sorrow that we acknowledge the grim reality that the number of casualties continues to rise as more victims are discovered. Sadly, we also must report on the deaths of at least three clergy members of the Church.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and communities who have been affected by this catastrophe. We stand in solidarity with the nations and people who are grappling with the aftermath of this tragedy. In times of such immense sorrow and loss, it is important that we come together as a global community to provide support, aid, and solace to those in need.

We commend the tireless efforts of the first responders, humanitarian organizations, and all those who are working diligently to provide assistance and relief to the affected regions. The strength and resilience of the human spirit shine brightly in times of adversity, and we are confident that, together, we can rebuild and heal.

May the souls of those who have been lost find eternal peace, and may the survivors find the strength and courage to overcome the challenges they face in the days ahead. Let us remember that in the face of such trials, our unity and compassion as a global family will help us emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

— 2 February 2005

Thousands believed to be dead in India

On 26 December 2004, a major tsunami hit coasts on the Indian Ocean causing the deaths of possibly hundreds of thousands of people and causing wide spread damage.

At this time the Patriarchate has not been able to establish contact with Bishop Mar Saul in India.

{Update: The final report on the number of casualties was over 200,000 in more than a dozen countries.}

— 30 December 2004

Patriarchate receives large library

On 12 December, a member of the Church gifted the House of the Assembly with a library of more than 3,000 books in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and English. We are very grateful for this special gift.

— 15 December 2004

Israelis killed in Taba

The Patriarchate unequivocally condemns the recent suicide bombings in Taba, which tragically claimed the lives of Israelis who were visiting the area. We wish to express our deepest condolences to the victims’ families and stand in solidarity with the affected communities during this painful time.

This act was cold blooded murder. As an institution committed to promoting peace and harmony we categorically reject and condemn such forms of violence. We fervently believe in the importance of dialogue, understanding, and peaceful resolution of conflicts to ensure a more secure and prosperous future for all.

— 10 October 2004

Terrorist attacks in Spain

Early reports indicate that more than 150 people have been killed by terrorists in Madrid, Spain. Our prayers are with all those left behind, as well as special prayers for those who passed in this senseless act of violence.

A vigil will be held in their honour at the chapel in Galilee.

— 17 March 2004

Deadly plane crash Red Sea

We are saddened to hear of the deaths of around 150 passengers in an Egyptian plane that crashed into the Red Sea on 3 January. Our prayers are with the dead and those left behind.

— 7 January 2004

Restaurant in Haifa bombed by terrorist

On 4 October a suicide bomber entered a restaurant in Haifa, Israel murdering more than twenty people, including small children.

Our prayers are with all those who have suffered from this senseless violence.

— 6 October 2003

Another terrorist attack in Jerusalem

The Patriarchate strongly condemns the recent suicide bombing in Jerusalem. On 19 August a terrorist group bombed a public bus killing twenty-four people and injuring more than one-hundred.

We mourn the loss of innocent lives and express our heartfelt condolences to the victims’ families. Such acts of violence only perpetuate suffering and hinder the pursuit of peace and justice in the region. We call for an immediate end to all forms of terrorism and urge all parties involved to engage in meaningful dialogue and peaceful negotiations to address the underlying issues and conflicts. It is our sincere hope that a lasting and just resolution can be achieved through non-violent means, ensuring a safer and more secure future for all the people of the Holy Land and the entire region.

— 22 August 2003

Massive earthquake strikes Algeria

A massive earthquake has struck in Algeria, Africa. An official told a representative of the Patriarchate that while the death toll is not known, the numbers could be in the thousands.

We ask members of the Church to keep this matter in their prayers.

{Update: Over 2,000 people died as a result of the earthquake.}

— 23 May 2003

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)