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Author Archives: Holy See

Earthquake and tsunami in Japan

The devastating events of the earthquake and ensuing tsunami that struck the eastern region of Japan on 11 March left an indelible mark on our collective memory. Tragically, this natural disaster claimed thousands of lives, with thousands still missing, reminding us of the lasting impact that such catastrophic events can have on communities and the world.

The far-reaching consequences of this disaster are being felt globally as tsunami warnings were issued in several countries. The urgency and scale of the situation prompted the declaration of emergencies at four nuclear power plants affected by the earthquake, with a critical situation unfolding at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

The damage inflicted upon multiple units at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant resulted in several workers sustaining injuries and the release of massive amounts of contaminants into the environment including the ocean.

Our thoughts and condolences continue to go out to the victims and their families.

— 20 March 2011

Suicide attacks in Iraq

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is deeply saddened by the tragic events that unfolded in Baghdad, Iraq, with the two suicide attacks that claimed the lives of more than 150 innocent people and left more than 700 others injured. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families during this incredibly difficult time.

We strongly condemn these acts of violence that have once again shaken the peace and stability of the region. Such senseless acts of terror have no place in any civilized society, and we call upon the international community to unite in the pursuit of peace and justice. We urge the authorities in Iraq to bring the perpetrators of these heinous acts to justice swiftly, and to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of their citizens.

May the victims of these attacks find solace and strength in the midst of their suffering, and may the international community stand together in solidarity against the scourge of terrorism, striving for a world where peace and harmony prevail.

— 1 November 2009

Air crash in Iran

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem extends its deepest condolences and prayers to the families and loved ones affected by the devastating air crash in Jannatabad village, Qazvin Province. This tragedy has shaken us all, and our hearts go out to those who have lost their lives in this terrible incident.

In times of such sorrow and grief, it is important to come together as a community, offering support and solace to those who are suffering. We call upon members of the Church to join us in prayer for the victims and their families, that they may find strength and comfort in their time of need.

May the souls of the departed find eternal rest, and may the injured recover speedily.

— 20 July 2009

More than 100,000 people possibly dead

The Patriarchate has received distressing news early this month of the catastrophic impact of a cyclone in Burma (Myanmar), which has tragically claimed the lives of possibly more than 100,000 people. We are deeply saddened by this immense loss of life and extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and communities affected by this disaster. We ask the Church to pray about this matter.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Burma (Myanmar) during this challenging and sorrowful time. We call upon the international community to join hands in providing immediate assistance and support to those in need. In the face of such a deadly event, let us come together to offer solace and help to the affected regions.

— 7 May 2008

Thousands believed dead in Bangladesh

The Patriarchate expresses its deepest condolences and prayers for what could be thousands who have tragically lost their lives in Bangladesh due to a devastating cyclone that took place on 16 November.

Our hearts go out to the affected families and communities during this difficult time. We stand in solidarity with the people of Bangladesh and offer our support to the relief efforts aimed at providing assistance and comfort to those in need. May God grant strength and resilience to all those affected by this disaster.

— 20 November 2007

Statement from the Patriarchate concerning earthquake in Peru

With heavy hearts and profound sorrow we extend our deepest condolences and prayers to the people of Peru and all those affected by the devastating earthquake that struck the nation on 15 August. This tragic event has brought immense loss and suffering to hundreds of people, and we stand in solidarity with them during this trying time.

The earthquake, with its destructive force, has claimed the lives of many innocent souls, leaving families shattered and communities in mourning. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost their loved ones, and we share in the grief of our Peruvian brothers and sisters.

In times of such adversity, it is important for us to come together, offering support and assistance to those in need. We commend the brave efforts of the first responders, emergency personnel, and volunteers who are working tirelessly to provide aid, comfort, and relief to the affected regions.

We call upon all the faithful to pray, asking for strength and solace for the bereaved and healing for the injured. In times of tragedy our unity and compassion shine brightest. Together, we can help rebuild the lives and communities that have been devastated by this earthquake.

— 18 August 2007

Gifts from America

Members of the Church in America sent three large crates consisting of food and basic medications for distribution among less fortunate members in Iraq, Israel, Syria and Afghanistan.

All items were put to good use. Those who received the gifts expressed their heartfelt thanks.

— 7 June 2006

Blessed Mother’s words proven true

On 30 December 2005, the Blessed Mother appeared to several members of the House of the Assembly warning that Iraq would be plunged into a war. As always, our Blessed Mother’s words came true. In part of the prophecy, she said, “Expect the first fire in February of 2006.” Early in the morning on 22 February, the al-Askari Mosque was bombed in Samarra, Iraq by terrorists.

Again, the Patriarchate highly encourages brethren to seek shelter and to make sure you have a safe method of obtaining necessary supplies for your survival.

— 24 February 2006

{For the next two years communiques and encouraging letters were sent to members in the area. No member was killed in the civil war that lasted for two years.}

Members in Iraq asked to prepare for long-term violence

The Patriarchate is asking all members in Iraq to prepare for long-term violence and war. Several elders of the House of the Assembly saw an apparition of the Blessed Mother on 30 December, where she gave the initial warning saying: “War is coming to Iraq. Do not waste time. Samarra will burn and people will run back and forth. They will be filled with vengeance and war will continue for two years and several days. Expect the first fire in February of 2006.”

The Patriarchate is encouraging members in the area to stock up on necessary supplies and stay as safe as possible. All religious services should be conducted at the discretion of church elders during this time. Our prayers are with you.

— 31 December 2005

Statement from the Patriarchate condemning suicide bombings in Jordan

The Patriarchate is deeply saddened and appalled by the November 9 suicide bombings that took place in Amman, Jordan. We unequivocally condemn such acts of violence, which result in the loss of innocent lives and inflict untold suffering on the affected communities.

Violence, in all its forms, is never the right answer to any problem or grievance. It goes against the principles of compassion, humanity, and the sanctity of life that are at the core of our beliefs. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families during this difficult time, and we extend our heartfelt condolences to all those affected by this tragedy.

In times like these, it is crucial for all members of society to come together, stand united against extremism and terrorism, and work towards peace, tolerance, and understanding. We call upon the authorities to investigate these heinous acts thoroughly and bring those responsible to justice.

Let us remember that violence only begets more violence, and the path to a better world is one of dialogue, cooperation, and respect for the dignity of every individual. May we find the strength to overcome these challenges together and strive for a more peaceful and harmonious future for all.

— 10 November 2005

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)