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Author Archives: Holy See

Holy See does not encourage use of COVID vaccines

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem does not endorse the use of vaccines for treating COVID-related illnesses. We believe that members of the Holy Church should make informed choices regarding their healthcare. The Patriarchate respects individual autonomy and does not force its opinions regarding vaccinations upon anyone.

The stance of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem on the use of vaccines for treating COVID-related illnesses is rooted in its commitment to respecting the individual autonomy and informed decision-making of its members as well as its knowledge that certain manufactures of vaccines are not interested in the betterment of humanity. The Patriarchate acknowledges that vaccination is a complex and personal choice, influenced by a variety of factors including medical advice and individual circumstances.

Blessed Mother requests members to leave New York

On 26 March 2019 and again on 10 April 2020, the Blessed Mother warned elders of the House of the Assembly that New York City, New York and environs, would not be safe for members of the Church to live full time. She said the elders should encourage members to leave the area, and in some cases, the state, if it is possible. She said that flooding would occur within just a few years and the infrastructure would begin to fail throughout the area.

Since then, efforts have been made to vacate the state. A representative office remains in Brooklyn for the time being. The Patriarchate hopes to close the office as soon as possible.

— 12 April 2020

{Update: The office maintained by the Patriarchate in New York was vacated, but due to legal agreements it could not be closed until 2024. In May of 2023, the Blessed Mother again warned of flooding that would cause damage to the office, especially a basement guest apartment. The last remaining items of supplies was removed from the facility just before the floods came in late September 2023.}

Worldwide spread of deadly disease

On December 31, 2017, the Blessed Mother appeared to elders of the House of the Assembly warning of a disease that would spread worldwide and that thousands of people would die as a result. She stated that the disease was created by evil people in the world, including certain government leaders.

She said, “Many innocent people will die at the hands of those who created the disease. The economy of many countries will begin to fail and will not recover for many years to come.” The Blessed Mother indicated that the disease would begin taking over certain populations in 2019 and beyond and that people will run in fear throughout the world. She also indicated that mental ilness would become rampant.

In her message, she also warned against certain vaccines that would be manufactured. “Such vaccines will cause death and other serious health problems for certain people later on. A great deal of false information will be spread by governments and the World Health Organisation. Pray for your health and that of others.”

— 3 January 2018

{Update: As always, the prophecies of Our Lady came true. COVID-19 was “discovered” in December 2019}

Earthquake in Italy

It is with deep sorrow that we acknowledge the tragic event that occurred in Italy on 24 August, where a powerful earthquake struck, resulting in the loss several lives. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families during this time of unimaginable grief.

We offer our support and assistance to the affected region and reaffirm our commitment to working together, both nationally and internationally, to mitigate the impact of future disasters and to ensure the safety and well-being of all our global citizens.

— 26 August 2016

Blessed Mother of Galilee warns of widespread disease in Africa

On 3 January 2014, seventeen elders witnessed an apparition of the Blessed Mother in Pisgat Ze’ev, Jerusalem. Elders were planning on sending representatives to Sierra Leone the following month, but the Blessed Mother gave a stern warning. She stated, “Members of the House of the Assembly should not travel to Sierra Leone. There are many who are sick from a deadly disease in western Africa and many will die. Thousands upon thousands will die because of this disease. It is imperative that you remain in the Holy Land at this time. In the year 2017, it will be safer, but you should remain cautious.”

We advise that members of the Church who planned to visit any area of western Africa, refrain from doing so for until after 2017.

Additionally the Blessed Mother stated that there would be widespread disease in central Africa five years from now.

— 6 January 2014

{Update: The Ebola outbreak took place from 2014 through 2016 with smaller pockets of the population becoming infected in various countries. There was what also an Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2019.}

Prayer for victims of building collapse in Bangladesh

Our hearts go out to the victims of the recent building collapse and their families, who continue to bear the emotional and physical scars of this tragedy that took place on 24 April in Bangladesh.

— 26 April 2013

A call for prayer for Sichuan region

We are deeply saddened by the tragic events that unfolded on 20 April when a powerful earthquake struck the Sichuan region of China. Our hearts go out to the affected individuals and their families as they grapple with the loss and extensive injuries caused by this disaster.

Our thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones during this difficult time. We extend our deepest condolences to those who have lost their dear ones and express our sincere hope for the swift recovery of those injured.

— 22 April 2013

Patriarchate warns of Bergoglio’s appointment as pope

The House of the Assembly of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem feels compelled to express our grave concerns regarding the appointment of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as pope. While we respect the sovereignty of the Roman Catholic Church and its centuries-old traditions, we believe it is our duty to caution against the potential risks associated with this appointment.

Our concerns stem from the following observations:

The appointment of Bergoglio will, regrettably, show signs of distancing the Roman Catholic Church from its ancient heritage. His liberal perspective and limited engagement with the Traditional Community have raised questions about the Church’s willingness to embrace its ancient roots.

We urge the Vatican to consider the implications of Bergoglio’s near silence on the child sexual abuse scandals within the Roman Catholic Church. It is our belief that a lack of attention to this very serious problem is an indication of complicity.

We believe that Bergoglio’s approach to interfaith dialogue will be nothing less than reckless and will be perceived as dangerous and paganistic.

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is dedicated to promoting unity, understanding, and spiritual growth throughout the world. While we respect the autonomy of the Roman Catholic Church, we implore its authorities to consider these concerns seriously and engage in open, constructive dialogue with those who have additional information concerning Bergoglio and his background and intentions for the future of the Catholic Church.

— 23 March 2013

On the recent disasters in Chile

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem offers its heartfelt condolences to the people of Chile in the wake of the catastrophic earthquake that has shaken their nation. The devastating impact of this natural disaster, which has also triggered a destructive tsunami across the Pacific, has left at least 500 lives lost, and the magnitude of this tragedy is deeply felt by us all. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families who have lost their loved ones and with those who are grappling with the aftermath of this tragic event.

This horrible disaster underscores the urgent need for international solidarity and support. It is our sincere hope that the global community will rally together to provide immediate assistance and aid to the affected regions, helping the people of Chile as they begin the arduous process of rebuilding their lives and communities.

— 3 March 2010

Earthquakes in Haiti leave thousands dead

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem extends its heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to the people of Haiti in the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck their nation’s capital. The tragic loss of hundreds of thousands of lives is a heartbreaking tragedy that has deeply affected us all. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the survivors who have lost their loved ones and to those who are facing immense challenges and suffering in the aftermath of this natural disaster. We stand in solidarity with the Haitian people during this incredibly difficult time.

In the face of such overwhelming adversity, it is imperative that the international community comes together to provide immediate relief and assistance to the affected communities. We call upon governments, organizations, and individuals around the world to extend their support and aid to Haiti, helping to rebuild the shattered lives and infrastructure.

May the people of Haiti find the strength to rebuild their nation, and may they know that they are not alone in their struggle to overcome this tragedy.

— 26 January 2010

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)