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Lectio Divina for 5 October 2024

“O Yahweh, I have loved the beauty of your house and the dwelling place of your glory.” (Psalm 25:8)

Meditate on the beauty of God’s house and the desire to be in His presence. Not only is David admiring a building but is in awe of the sacredness that resides within it. This love is a spiritual yearning to be near God, to experience His glory and to dwell with Him.

Meditate on your own life: where do you find the beauty of God’s presence? In the liturgy, in prayer, in moments of stillness before the Blessed Sacrament?

Meditate on the joy and peace that comes from being in the presence of God, and how His glory transforms even the most ordinary places into something sacred and beautiful.

O Yahweh, I too have loved the beauty of Your house and the dwelling place of Your glory. May I always long to be near You, to dwell in Your presence and be filled with the peace and joy that come from encountering Your glory. Let my heart be a dwelling place for You, where Your glory shines brightly. Amen.

In contemplation, imagine yourself standing in God’s house, surrounded by His beauty and glory. Picture the peace and the light that fill this sacred space. Allow yourself to rest in that presence, feeling the awe and love that David describes.

Contemplate on the beauty of God’s glory filling your heart and mind, transforming you from within.

Contemplate how every encounter with God’s presence brings renewal and grace.

Let this passage inspire you to seek God’s presence more deeply. Whether it is through attending Mass, spending time in prayer, or visiting a church or a sacred space, make time to dwell in God’s house. As you go about your day, carry that sense of the sacred with you, remembering that God’s glory dwells not only in the beauty of His house but also in the hearts of those who love Him. Allow your love for His presence to guide your actions, filling your life with reverence and gratitude.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)