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Patriarchate of Jerusalem Condemns Attacks on Ukrainian Believers

Patriarchate of Jerusalem Strongly Condemns Violent Attempts to Seize Ukrainian Churches, Calls for Immediate International Intervention

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN, 1 October 2024 — It is with great sorrow and righteous indignation that the Holy Patriarchate unequivocally condemns the recent violent attempts to seize the historic Cathedral of Cherkasy, an action clearly motivated by religious hatred, schismatic forces, and political entities. These brazen attacks on Orthodox holy sites are not only a direct assault on the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) but a violation of the sacredness of the Church of Christ as a whole. Such unlawful and sacrilegious actions cannot and will not be tolerated.

On Sunday night, as faithful Orthodox Christians gathered in prayer to defend the Cherkasy Cathedral, men in camouflage, supported by local political leaders, sought to desecrate and unlawfully seize the church. This attack, backed by falsified legal documents and aided by local government officials, is a blatant disregard for religious freedom and the rule of law. We praise the courage of the faithful, who, in the face of intimidation and aggression, stood resolutely, armed only with their faith and the intercession of the the Most Holy Theotokos and the Archangel Michael.

This is not an isolated incident. These violent actions are part of a broader, systematic campaign against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, fuelled by the schismatics and endorsed by local authorities, including the mayor of Cherkasy. The seizure of the Holy Dormition Cathedral in Kanev in early September is another grievous example of this ongoing persecution.

We call upon the international community, including religious leaders, human rights organisations, and governments, to take immediate action. The blatant support of these illegal seizures by local officials constitutes an abuse of power and a clear violation of international law regarding religious freedom and the protection of sacred sites.

Patriarch Seraphim Michael stated, “The violent attempts to seize the holy Cathedral in Cherkasy are acts of darkness, not deeds of those who follow Christ. A true disciple of our Lord does not raise his hand against the sacred nor desecrate what is consecrated to God. The actions of these schismatics, supported by corrupt political leaders, are not only illegal but also fundamentally un-Christian. Those who claim to be of the Church but act with violence, deceit, and hatred betray the very Gospel they profess. Christ Himself taught us to be peacemakers and lovers of truth. These attempts to destroy His Church and divide His flock are contrary to everything our Saviour lived, died, and rose for. We stand with the faithful of Ukraine, knowing that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Holy Church.”

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem stands in full solidarity with the faithful of Ukraine and the UOC. We reaffirm that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has the ecclesiastical right to exist. The attempts to forcefully seize churches, to manipulate legal systems, and to persecute the faithful are attacks not only on Orthodoxy but on the very soul of Ukraine. The Patriarchate calls for immediate cessation of these hostilities and for the restoration of the rights of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The faithful will not be abandoned in their hour of trial. The Church will continue to stand strong in defence of its people, its faith, and its sacred places.

We will raise our voices before God and the world until justice is restored. May God have mercy on those who seek to destroy His Holy Church wherever it exists in the world, and may the Most Holy Theotokos continue to protect the faithful of Ukraine and all persecuted believers everywhere.

— 1 October 2024

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