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Lectio Divina for 30 September 2024


“O Yahweh, remember your compassion and your mercies, which are from ages past. Do not remember the offenses of my youth and my transgressions. Remember me according to your mercy, because of your goodness, O Yahweh.” (Psalm 24:6-7)


David refers to the Lord’s long-standing nature of compassion and mercy. God’s mercy is not a recent development; it is rooted in His eternal being. We, too, can call upon God’s endless mercy, knowing that His love and forgiveness are always available to us. Meditate on how God’s mercy has been evident in your life and in the lives of others throughout history.

David is deeply aware of his past sins and errors, especially those committed in youthful ignorance or rebellion. This is a plea for the Lord to not hold them against him. We all have made mistakes in our past, and this verse encourages us to seek God’s forgiveness, trusting that He will not dwell on our past offenses if we sincerely repent.

Again, David asks God to look upon him not in judgement but through the lens of mercy, relying on God’s goodness. Meditate on the fact that God’s mercy is not something we earn but something given because of His goodness. In our own lives, we must remember that we approach our Lord not by our own merit but by His unending grace.


O Lord, my God, I thank You for Your compassion and mercy, which have been with us from ages past. I ask You to look upon me with that same mercy, and to forget the sins of my past and my transgressions. I know that I have failed, but I trust in Your goodness, knowing that You forgive and restore those who come to You. Help me to live in the light of Your mercy, relying on Your goodness rather than my own strength. Amen.

Contemplate on God’s mercy and compassion. Picture yourself standing before the Lord, with the mistakes of your past laid bare. Now, imagine God gently wiping them away, focusing not on your failures but on His love for you. Because of His goodness, you are forgiven and made whole. Contemplate how God’s mercy sustains you and how you can live in gratitude for that mercy.


Reflect on areas of your life where you still carry guilt or shame from past mistakes. Offer these up to God in prayer, asking for His forgiveness and mercy.

Practise mercy towards others. Just as God forgives your offenses, strive to forgive those who have wronged you, embodying His mercy in your relationships.

Live in gratitude for God’s goodness by spending time in prayer, thanking Him for His enduring compassion and mercy.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)