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Lectio Divina for 29 September 2024


“O Yahweh, demonstrate your ways to me, and teach me your paths. Direct me in your truth, and teach me. For you are God, my Saviour, and I remain with you all day long.” (Psalm 24:4-5)


David writes a humble plea for God’s guidance. We often think we know the way forward in life, but true wisdom comes from seeking God’s direction. In our daily lives, we must ask the Lord to reveal His ways to us, to show us the path He wants us to follow. This includes moral guidance, spiritual discernment, and life decisions. We must be open and willing to be taught by Him, surrendering our own understanding.

Meditate on the fact that God’s truth is what we must seek above all else. The world offers many false paths and misleading ideologies, but David recognises that only the Lord’s truth can direct us rightly. We must immerse ourselves in God’s Word and seek His truth in all situations, allowing it to be the foundation of our lives. To be taught by our heavenly Father means to continually place ourselves before Him in prayer and study, letting His truth shape our thoughts and actions.

Our passage for Lectio Divina expresses an intimate relationship with God, rooted in trust and constancy. David knows that Yahweh is not just a distant God but a personal Saviour, always present. In our own spiritual life, we are invited to remain with God throughout the day, maintaining an awareness of His presence and relying on His salvation. Meditate on the fact that ongoing communion with the Lord sustains us and keeps us close to His heart.


O Lord, I ask You to show me Your ways and to teach me the paths that lead to life. Help me to surrender my will to Yours and to seek Your truth above all else. Direct me in Your wisdom, and let Your truth guide my every step. You are my God and my Saviour, and I desire to remain with You always. Help me to keep my heart focused on You throughout the day, trusting in Your presence and Your salvation. Amen.

Contemplate on God’s truth and guidance. Picture yourself walking along a path, with God gently leading you, showing you the way forward. Contemplate what it means to remain with God all day long, aware of His presence in every moment. Let this thought fill you with peace, knowing that as long as you seek His ways, you will not stray.


Take time each day to pray for the Lord’s guidance, especially when making decisions or seeking direction.

Regularly study the Scriptures, asking God to teach you His truth and help you apply it to your daily life.

Cultivate an awareness of God’s presence throughout your day, remaining with Him through short prayers, acts of faith, and moments of reflection on His goodness.

Remain rooted in His truth, and stay close to Him throughout the day. By placing yourself in His hands and asking Him to teach you, you can walk confidently in the path He has prepared for you.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)