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Lectio Divina for 28 September 2024

“Judge me, Yahweh, for I have been walking in my innocence, and by hoping in Yahweh, I will not be weakened. Examine me, Yahweh, and test me: enkindle my temperament and my heart.”  (Psalm 24:1-2)


We are called to live lives of moral uprightness, walking in innocence before God. While none of us is without sin, we should strive to live in a way that is blameless, pursuing virtue and righteousness. This does not mean perfection but having a clear conscience before God and doing what is right.

Hope in the Lord is what strengthens us in our spiritual journey. When we trust in Yahweh’s goodness and faithfulness, we are able to face challenges and trials without losing heart. We must keep our hope firmly in God, even when difficulties arise, knowing that He sustains us.

We should always be in the habit of asking the Lord to examine us, seeking to have our inner being refined. We can invite God to examine our hearts and character, allowing Him to reveal areas where we need growth or purification. By asking God to enkindle our temperament and heart, we open ourselves to being strengthened in virtue, passion, and spiritual zeal, following closely the path of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is through such refinement that we grow in holiness.


Lord Yahweh, I come before You with confidence, knowing that You are just and merciful. Examine my heart, my actions, and my intentions. Help me to walk in innocence and integrity, even when the evil one and the world tempt me to stray. Strengthen my hope in You, for I know that when my trust is in You, I will not be weakened. Test me and refine me, Lord, that my heart may burn with a deeper love for You and a greater desire to do Your will. Guide me on the path of righteousness. Amen.

Contemplate on God’s justice and His refining work in your life. Visualise the Lord examining your heart, not with condemnation, but with a desire to purify and strengthen you. Contemplate on how this is meant to enkindle your spirit and draw you closer to Him. Contemplate how you can live a life of integrity, trusting in Yahweh’s justice and mercy, and be open to His gentle correction.


Regularly examine your conscience and seek to live with integrity before God. Consider doing a daily Examination of Conscience to reflect on how you have lived that day and what areas need improvement.

Strengthen your hope in the Lord through prayer and Scripture reading, especially during times of difficulty or temptation.

Always be open to God’s refining work in your life. When you face challenges, instead of resisting, ask the Lord what He is trying to teach you or how He is trying to strengthen your character.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)