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Lectio Divina for 19 September 2024


“You have prepared a table in my sight, opposite those who trouble me. You have anointed my head with oil, and my cup, which inebriates me, how brilliant it is! And your mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and so may I dwell in the house of Yahweh for length of days.” (Psalm 22:5-6)

In this verse, David describes a deeply significant sense of divine protection, abundance, and communion with the Lord, even in the presence of adversaries. God Himself prepares a table for us, anoints us, and fills us with joy and fulfilment that cannot be matched by the world.


The Lord prepares a banquet for us even when we are surrounded by those who seek to trouble or harm us. This is a sign of His overwhelming providence and grace. No matter the trials or enemies in our lives, God remains our source of peace, comfort, and security. The anointing of our head with oil represents our consecration—being set apart for the Lord’s purposes. The cup that “inebriates” us reflects the joy and abundance that comes from God alone, an overflowing of His grace.

This passage also points to the eternal mercy of God, which follows the faithful throughout their entire lives. David expressed his desire to dwell in the house of Yahweh forever — the ultimate goal of our own journey—communion with God for eternity.

What are the “troubles” that surround you today? How is the Lord inviting you to trust in His provision even amidst these troubles? Have you experienced the joy of His anointing, that filling of your soul with His grace?


Lord, You prepare a table for me even in the presence of those who trouble me. I thank You for Your unceasing care, Your anointing that marks me as Yours, and the abundant joy You pour into my life. Help me to trust in Your provision, even when I feel surrounded by difficulties and challenges. May I never forget that Your mercy follows me all the days of my life, and may I long always to dwell in Your house forever. Fill me with Your peace, Your joy, and Your strength. Amen.


In this moment of stillness, consider God’s love and mercy that follows you all the days of your life. Feel His care and provision as you contemplate His promise of eternal communion. Allow the image of the prepared table, the anointing oil, and the brilliant, overflowing cup to fill your heart with peace and gratitude. Dwell in the house of the Lord, trusting that you are under His divine care, now and for all eternity.


When faced with challenges or opposition, remember that God is preparing a table for you. Trust in His provision.

Reflect on the many ways God has anointed you and filled your life with His abundance. Give thanks to Him daily.Make efforts to dwell in God’s house through regular prayer, worship, and the sacraments. Let your life be a constant seeking of His presence.

Incorporate these reflections into your daily life, knowing that the Lord’s mercy will guide and strengthen you.

(Guest author)

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)