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Lectio Divina for 6 September 2024


“…O Yahweh, I will confess to you among the nations, and I will compose a psalm to your name: magnifying the salvation of his king, and showing mercy to David, his anointed, and to his offspring, even for all time.” (Psalm 17:50-51)


  • “O Yahweh, I will confess to you among the nations”: Meditate on the call to openly proclaim your faith, not only privately but before others. How can you bear witness to God’s goodness in your own life and among those around you?
  • “I will compose a psalm to your name”: Meditate on the importance of praising God, not only with words but from the heart. Reflect on how you can make your life a psalm of praise, giving glory to God through your actions.
  • “Magnifying the salvation of his king”: Meditate on how God’s salvation is always worthy of magnification. Christ, the true King, has brought eternal salvation, and it is through Him that mercy and grace are poured out upon us.
  • “Showing mercy to David, his anointed”: Meditate on God’s unwavering mercy, as demonstrated through His promises to David. Despite human failings, the Lord’s covenant of mercy continues, offering hope and redemption.
  • “And to his offspring, even for all time”: Meditate on the enduring nature of God’s promises. His mercy to David’s lineage is fulfilled in Jesus, whose reign and mercy extend to all generations, including your own.


Heavenly Father, I come before You, ready to proclaim Your greatness among all nations. I thank You for the salvation You have brought through Your Son, the true King. Help me to live my life as a song of praise to Your holy name, magnifying Your works and mercy. I ask for the strength to witness to Your love and truth, and for Your enduring mercy to guide me, as it guided David and his descendants. May Your promises be fulfilled in me, and may I always live in the light of Your grace. Amen.


  • Contemplate God’s Salvation: Let your heart dwell on the magnificence of the salvation Christ has won for you. Contemplate on how this gift of mercy calls you to live a life of gratitude and praise.
  • Rest in God’s Promises: Contemplate the eternal nature of God’s mercy, recognising that His promises are unchanging and are for all time. Allow this truth to bring peace and confidence to your soul.


  • Witness to Others: Look for an opportunity this week to share your faith with someone, whether through words or by setting an example of Christian living.
  • Compose Your Psalm: Reflect on how you can offer a personal psalm of praise to the Lord. Whether through prayer, acts of charity, or even journaling, find a way to express your gratitude to God.
  • Magnify God’s Salvation: Keep Christ’s sacrifice and mercy at the forefront of your mind. Each day, remind yourself of His love and let it shape your actions and attitudes towards others.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)