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Lectio Divina for 4 September 2024


“For who is God, except Yahweh? And who is God, except our God? It is God who has wrapped me with virtue and made my way perfect. It is he who has perfected my feet, like the feet of deer, and who stations me upon the heights. It is he who trains my hands for battle. And you have set my arms like a bow of brass.” (Psalm 17:32-35)


  • “For who is God, except Yahweh? And who is God, except our God?”: This question helps us see the uniqueness and supremacy of Yahweh as the one true God. Meditate on how this affirmation strengthens your faith and devotion, reminding you that no other can compare to our Lord.
  • “It is God who has wrapped me with virtue and made my way perfect”: Meditate on how God bestows His strength and righteousness upon you, guiding your path towards holiness and perfection. Think of the ways the Lord has equipped you with virtue and wisdom, enabling you to walk faithfully in His ways.
  • “It is he who has perfected my feet, like the feet of deer, and who stations me upon the heights”: Meditate on the imagery of God giving you the agility and sure-footedness of a deer, allowing you to navigate difficult terrain and rise to great heights. This can represent overcoming obstacles in your spiritual journey with God’s help.
  • “It is he who trains my hands for battle. And you have set my arms like a bow of brass”: Meditate on how God prepares and strengthens you for the spiritual battles you face. He equips you with the necessary tools and fortitude to stand firm in faith and resist the challenges that come your way.


O Lord, You alone are God, and there is no other like You. I praise You for wrapping me in virtue and guiding my steps towards perfection. Thank You for making my feet sure and steady, even in the midst of trials. Train my hands for the battles I face, and grant me the strength and resilience to overcome every challenge with Your help. May I always trust in Your power and grace, knowing that You are my protector and my guide. Amen.


  • Contemplate the Uniqueness of God: Sit quietly and reflect on the truth that Yahweh is the only true God, unparalleled in His power and goodness. Let this truth deepen your reverence and trust in Him.
  • Rest in God’s Provision and Strength: Contemplate how God equips you with everything you need to walk in His way and to stand firm in spiritual battles. Allow a deep sense of peace and confidence to settle in your heart, knowing that God is your strength.


  • Trust in God’s Guidance: In your daily decisions and challenges, consciously rely on God’s wisdom and strength, trusting that He is guiding your steps and equipping you for whatever lies ahead.
  • Prepare for Spiritual Battles: Make a commitment to strengthen your spiritual life through prayer, the Sacraments, and the Word of God, so that you are well-prepared for any spiritual battles that may come your way.
  • Recognize God’s Work in Your Life: Take time to reflect on and acknowledge the ways God has already equipped and strengthened you in your journey, offering gratitude for His continual support and guidance.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)