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Lectio Divina for 31 August 2024


Passage: “For all his judgments are in my sight, and his justice, I have not pushed away from me. And I will be perfect together with him, and I will keep myself from my iniquity.” (Psalm 17:23,24, WCV)


  • “For all his judgments are in my sight”: David speaks of constantly keeping God’s judgments in view. This signifies an awareness of God’s laws and a deliberate effort to live by them. Meditate on how you keep God’s commandments and judgments before you. Are the Lord’s teachings a constant guide in your life? How do you ensure that His laws influence your decisions and actions daily?
  • “His justice, I have not pushed away from me”: In this verse, David reflects a commitment to embracing God’s justice, not avoiding or rejecting it. Meditate on how you respond to the Lord’s justice in your life. Do you accept His correction and guidance, even when it challenges you? How do you embrace God’s justice in dealing with others and yourself?
  • “I will be perfect together with him”: Here, David expresses a desire for perfection in union with God. This speaks to a deep relationship where one strives to reflect the Heavenly Father’s holiness. Meditate on your relationship with God—how do you strive for holiness and perfection in your walk with Him? What steps are you taking to grow in spiritual maturity and align your life more closely with God’s character?
  • “I will keep myself from my iniquity”: There is a conscious effort to avoid sin and maintain purity. Meditate on your own struggles with sin and iniquity. How do you guard yourself against falling into sin? What practices or disciplines help you stay on the path of righteousness?


Lord, I thank You for Your just judgments and for the guidance they provide in my life. Help me to keep Your laws ever before me, and to embrace Your justice in all that I do. Grant me the grace to strive for perfection in union with You, and to guard myself against the temptations of sin. Strengthen my resolve to walk in Your ways and to live a life that is pleasing in Your sight. Amen.


  • Contemplate God’s Judgments: Contemplate on the wisdom and fairness of God’s judgments. Contemplate how keeping His commandments in view can guide you towards a life of righteousness and peace.
  • Rest in God’s Justice: Contemplate on the peace that comes from accepting and living by God’s justice. Contemplate the ways in which His justice brings balance and harmony to your life.
  • Seek Union with God: Contemplate the desire to be perfect together with God. Rest in the assurance that striving for holiness is a journey you take with God’s help, not alone.


  • Keep God’s Word Before You: Make a habit of reading and meditating on God’s Word daily, ensuring that His judgments and commandments guide your actions.
  • Examine Your Response to God’s Justice: Reflect on how you react to God’s correction and justice in your life. Make a conscious effort to accept and embrace His guidance, even when it challenges you.
  • Guard Against Iniquity: Identify areas in your life where you are vulnerable to sin. Take proactive steps to avoid those pitfalls and seek God’s strength to overcome temptation.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)