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Lectio Divina for 30 August 2024


Passage: “And Yahweh will reward me according to my justice, and he will repay me according to the purity of my hands. For I have preserved the ways of Yahweh, and I have not behaved wickedly before my God.” (Psalm 17:21,22, WCV)


  • “Yahweh will reward me according to my justice”: This verse speaks of the Lord’s just and fair response to our actions. God sees our efforts to live righteously and will reward us accordingly. Meditate on your own life—how have you sought to live justly, and how has God responded to your efforts? Meditate the ways in which you strive for justice and righteousness in your daily life.
  • “He will repay me according to the purity of my hands”: The purity of our actions, symbolised by clean hands, is highly significant to God. He rewards those who act with integrity and purity. Meditate on the purity of your own actions and intentions. Are your hands clean before God? How do you strive to maintain this purity in your dealings with others?
  • “For I have preserved the ways of Yahweh”: To preserve the ways of the Lord means to keep His commandments and live according to His will. Meditate on how you are preserving God’s ways in your life. What steps do you take to ensure that your life aligns with God’s commandments and teachings?
  • “I have not behaved wickedly before my God”: This is a declaration of faithfulness. It speaks of a conscious effort to avoid sin and live in a manner pleasing to God. Meditate on your relationship with God—how do you strive to avoid wickedness and remain faithful? In what areas of your life do you need to seek God’s strength to remain steadfast?


My Lord Yahweh, I thank You for being just and fair, rewarding us according to our actions. Help me to live a life of justice and purity, keeping my hands clean and my heart according with Your will. Strengthen me to preserve Your ways in all that I do and to avoid wickedness in my thoughts, words, and actions. I ask for Your guidance to walk the path of righteousness and to live in a manner that is pleasing to You. Amen.


  • Contemplate God’s Justice: Contemplate on the justice of God, knowing that He sees your efforts and rewards your faithfulness. Rest in the assurance that God’s rewards are fair and just, based on the integrity of your actions.
  • Rest in God’s Purity: Reflect on the purity God desires in your life. Contemplate how you can live each day with pure intentions and actions, pleasing to God in all that you do.


  • Pursue Righteousness: Make a conscious effort to live justly and with integrity in all your actions this week. Seek out ways to live your life more closely with the Lord’s ways.
  • Examine Your Heart: Take time each day to examine your actions and intentions, ensuring that they are pure and pleasing to God. If you find areas where you have fallen short, seek God’s forgiveness and strive to do better.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)