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Lectio Divina for 29 August 2024


Passage: “He sent from on high, and he accepted me. And he took me up, out of many waters. He rescued me from my strongest enemies, and from those who hated me. For they had been too strong for me. They intercepted me in the day of my affliction, and Yahweh became my protector.” (Psalm 17:17-19, WCV)


  • “He sent from on high, and he accepted me”: The Lord’s intervention comes from a place of divine authority and power. He reaches down from His heavenly throne to accept and rescue us. Meditate on how God has “sent from on high” in your life, reaching out to save you in your moments of distress. Meditate on His willingness to intervene personally in your life.
  • “And he took me up, out of many waters”: The imagery of being taken out of many waters refers to being rescued from overwhelming circumstances, like being saved from drowning in a storm. Meditate on this imagery while thinking of the times when you felt overwhelmed, and the Lord lifted you out of those depths. How has God rescued you when you were in over your head?
  • “He rescued me from my strongest enemies, and from those who hated me. For they had been too strong for me”: As human beings, we must acknowledge that there are battles we cannot win on our own. Your enemies—whether they be temptations, fears, or adversaries—might be too strong for you, but not for our Lord. Meditate on how God’s strength has delivered you from situations where you felt powerless.
  • “They intercepted me in the day of my affliction, and Yahweh became my protector”: Even in your most vulnerable moments, when you were intercepted or attacked by your enemies, God stepped in as your protector. Meditate on the significance of God’s protection in your life, especially when you felt most afflicted and vulnerable.


O Lord, I give thanks unto Thee for sending Thy help from on high and for accepting me even in my weakness. Thou hast lifted me out of deep waters and saved me from enemies too strong for me. In my affliction, Thou hast become my protector, and I am forever grateful for Thy saving grace. Help me to always remember Thy mighty deeds and to trust in Thy protection. I ask for the courage to rely on Thee, knowing that Thou art stronger than any enemy I face. Amen.


  • Contemplate God’s Rescue: Contemplate on the image of God reaching down from heaven to pull you out of overwhelming waters. Think of the biblical account of Jesus lifting Peter out of the stormy sea. (St. Matthew 14:25-32) Rest in the assurance that God is always ready to rescue you, no matter how dire the situation.
  • Rest in God’s Strength: In silence, contemplate on the strength of God that is far greater than any enemy you face. Allow this truth to bring peace and confidence to your soul, knowing that God’s power is sufficient to protect you in every affliction.


  • Trust in God’s Protection: When you face overwhelming situations, remind yourself of this passage. Actively choose to trust in Yahweh’s protection rather than relying solely on your own strength.
  • Share God’s Rescue: Share this passage and your reflections with someone who might be struggling. Offer them the hope and assurance that God can and will rescue them, no matter how strong their enemies may seem.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)