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Lectio Divina for 28 August 2024


Passage: “In my affliction I called upon the Lord, and I cried to my God: And he heard my voice from his holy temple: and my cry before him came into his ears.” (Psalm 17:7, DR)


  • “In my affliction I called upon the Lord”: David acknowledges that in times of suffering and distress, his instinct is to turn to the Lord. Consider your own life—do you call upon the Lord in moments of affliction? Meditate on the importance of seeking God’s help and comfort in difficult times.
  • “I cried to my God”: This phrase shows a deep, personal relationship with God. David does not just call out in a general sense but cries out to his God, indicating trust and intimacy. How personal is your relationship with the Lord? Do you cry out to Him with the confidence that He is listening?
  • “And he heard my voice from his holy temple”: The assurance that God hears our prayers, even from His holy temple, is very significant. Despite the grandeur and majesty of God’s dwelling, He is attentive to the cries of His people. Meditate on the comfort and peace that comes from knowing that God listens to you.
  • “My cry before him came into his ears”: This part of the verse reinforces the fact that God is not distant or indifferent. Your prayers, no matter how small or desperate, reach Him. Meditate on the significance of God being attentive to your voice and the implications for your faith and trust in Him.


Lord, in my times of affliction, I will call upon Thee, knowing that Thou art my refuge and strength. I cry out unto Thee, my God, with confidence that my pleas come unto Thine ear, and Thou hearest me from Thy holy temple. I give thanks unto Thee for Thy constant attention and care, even when I feel overwhelmed. Strengthen my faith and help me to trust in Thy listening ear, knowing that my cries do not go unheard. May I always turn unto Thee, assured of Thy love and mercy. Amen.


  • Contemplate God’s Nearness: Sit in silence and meditate on the nearness of the Lord, especially in times of affliction. Imagine your cries for help rising up to His holy temple and being heard with compassion and love.
  • Rest in God’s Attention: Take comfort in the knowledge that God’s ears are attentive to your every cry. Let this thought bring peace to your heart, and allow yourself to rest in the security of God’s ever-present care.


  • Call Upon God in Difficult Times: Make a conscious decision to turn to God first in your moments of affliction. Trust in His ability to hear and respond to your prayers.
  • Encourage Others to Pray: If you know someone who is going through a difficult time, encourage them to cry out to God. Share this verse and your reflections as a source of hope and reassurance that God hears their prayers.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)