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Lectio Divina for 19 August 2024


Passage: “I have said to the Lord, thou art my God, for thou hast no need of my goods.” (Psalm 15:2, DR)


  • Confession of Faith: David begins this psalm with a deeply meaningful expression of personal faith: “I have said to the Lord, thou art my God.” This is a declaration of total trust and surrender to Yahweh. Meditate on the significance of this confession—how do you express your own faith and devotion to God in your daily life? Consider your personal relationship with the Lord and how you acknowledge Him as your God.
  • God’s Sufficiency: The second part of the verse shows God’s self-sufficiency: “for thou hast no need of my goods.” The Creator of the universe does not require anything from us to be complete. His existence and glory are independent of human action or offerings. This calls us to recognise our humility before God. Meditate on how God’s greatness does not depend on anything we possess or offer, and how all our goods and talents are ultimately His gift to us.
  • Humility in Worship: Since God has no need of our goods, our relationship with Him is not based on material offerings or our accomplishments but on pure devotion and love. It reminds us that God’s love for us is unconditional, and our worship is an act of gratitude rather than a transaction. Meditate on the humility that this truth instils in you—approach the Lord not out of obligation but out of reverence and love.
  • Dependence on God: While God does not need us, we are entirely dependent on Him for everything we have and are. Meditate on how this truth affects your view of stewardship, service, and prayer. Recognise that everything you possess—your talents, your resources, your very life—is a gift from God, to be used for His glory. How can you better align your actions with this understanding of divine providence?


O Yahweh, Thou art my God, and I place all my trust in Thee. I recognise that Thou need not my goods, yet Thou art gracious to accept my love and devotion. Help me to come before Thee in humility, acknowledging that all I have is from Thy hands. Grant me the grace to serve Thee with a pure heart, not seeking to gain anything but to give all for Thy glory. Let my life be a continual offering of thanksgiving for the blessings Thou hast bestowed upon me. Amen.


Allow the knowledge of God’s complete sufficiency and your own dependence on Him to bring you peace. Contemplate the freedom in knowing that you do not have to earn His love or approval—He wants your heart and your love above all else. Rest in this relationship of trust and humility.


What actions can you take in response to the passage?

  • Surrender your possessions to God: Spend time reflecting on how you view your material goods and talents. Are you clinging to them, or do you recognise them as gifts from God to be used for His purpose? Consider offering these to God in prayer, asking Him to guide you in their use.
  • Live with humble gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude, recognising that God owes us nothing yet gives us everything. Let this lead you to live humbly, acknowledging your dependence on Him in all areas of life.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)