Home » Lectio Divina » Lectio Divina for 15 August 2024

Lectio Divina for 15 August 2024


Passage: “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried by the fire, purged from the earth refined seven times. Thou, O Lord, wilt preserve us: and keep us from this generation for ever. The wicked walk round about: according to thy highness, thou hast multiplied the children of men.” (Psalm 11:7-9, DR)


  • The Purity of God’s Words: The passage compares God’s words to silver refined seven times, symbolising their absolute purity. Meditate on how God’s promises and teachings are flawless, trustworthy, and without corruption. Reflect on how the purity of God’s words contrasts with the flawed and deceptive speech found in the world.
  • Divine Preservation: David affirms God’s protection, that the Lord will preserve His faithful from the dangers and corruption of the world. Meditate how God’s faithful protection sustains you in the midst of a world that often feels chaotic and wicked.
  • Endurance Among the Wicked: Even though the wicked surround the faithful, God remains sovereign. Meditate on how the multiplication of people under God’s providence demonstrates that His power and authority are not diminished by the presence of evil. Think of how, even amidst the challenges posed by the wicked, God’s reign continues to preserve His people.


Heavenly Father, Thy words are pure and unchanging, a firm foundation for my life. Refine my heart and mind, that I may trust in Thy promises without hesitation. Preserve me from the snares of this world, from the wickedness that surrounds me. Keep me nigh unto Thee, even when I feel besieged by temptations or trials. I trust in Thy protection, and I ask Thee to strengthen me so that I may walk faithfully in Thy ways. Amen.


Rest in God’s presence, allowing the truths of the passage to permeate your soul. Contemplate the image of God’s words as purified silver. Imagine the clarity and brilliance of silver after being refined by fire, and let this image bring peace and assurance that God’s words and promises are equally pure, never to lead you astray. Rest in the knowledge that God will keep and protect you, even amidst adversity.


  • Cling to God’s Word: Make an intentional effort to trust in the purity and truth of God’s word in your daily life. Turn to Scripture when faced with doubt or confusion, knowing that God’s promises are sure.
  • Seek God’s Protection: When you encounter difficulties or feel surrounded by wickedness, remind yourself to seek God’s preservation. Rely on Him in prayer for strength and protection.
  • Refinement Through Trials: As silver is purified by fire, embrace challenges or trials as opportunities for spiritual growth. Trust that God is refining you, making you more holy, and bringing you closer to Him.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)