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Lectio Divina for 14 August 2024


Passage: “O Lord, thou wilt hear the desire of the meek; thou wilt strengthen their heart, thou wilt incline thy ear to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more.” (Psalm 10:17-18, NRSV-C)


  • God’s Attention to the Meek: The passage reassures us that God hears the desires of the meek—those who are humble and gentle in spirit. Meditate on the comfort this brings, knowing that God is attentive to the prayers and needs of the humble.
  • Divine Strength: God not only hears the meek but also strengthens their hearts. Meditate on the idea that in moments of weakness or distress, God provides inner strength to those who rely on Him. Meditate on how you can turn to God in your own times of need, trusting Him to fortify your spirit.
  • Justice for the Vulnerable: God’s ear is inclined to the fatherless and the oppressed. Meditate on God’s deep concern for justice, especially for those who are vulnerable and marginalised. Think about how God’s justice brings hope and protection to those who are often overlooked or mistreated.
  • End of Earthly Terror: The passage concludes with the hope that God’s justice will ensure that earthly oppressors will no longer instil fear. Meditate on the ultimate victory of God’s justice over human wrongdoing, and the peace that this will bring to the world.


Respond to God in prayer, using the insights gained from the passage.

O Lord, I give thanks unto Thee for hearing the desires of the meek and for the strength Thou givest unto the hearts of those who seek Thee. I pray for the fatherless and the oppressed, that Thy justice may be done in their lives and that they may find refuge in Thy loving care. Strengthen my own heart, Lord, so that I may stand firm in faith and trust in Thy perfect justice. Let Thy peace reign over all the earth, and bring an end to the terror that oppressors inflict on the vulnerable. Amen.


Sit in quiet contemplation, allowing the message of the passage to dwell in your heart.

Focus on God’s attentiveness to the humble and His commitment to justice. Rest in the knowledge that God is a refuge for the meek and a defender of the oppressed. Let this awareness bring you peace and a deeper trust in God’s care.


  • Practice Humility: In your daily life, strive to embody meekness, trusting that God hears your prayers and strengthens your heart.
  • Support the Vulnerable: Take real steps to support the fatherless and the oppressed in your community, whether through advocacy, charity, or personal involvement.
  • Seek God’s Justice: Commit to being a voice for justice in your surroundings, working to ensure that the vulnerable are protected and that earthly powers do not instil fear in others.

By living out these actions, you bring yourself within God’s heart for justice and care for the meek and oppressed.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)