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Lectio Divina for 29 July 2024


Passage: “Now it came to pass, as they went, that Jesus entered into a certain town: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary. who, sitting also at the Lord’s feet, heard his word. But Martha was busy about much serving. Who stood and said: Lord, hast thou no care that my sister hath left me alone to serve? Speak to her therefore, that she help me. And the Lord answering, said to her: Martha, Martha, thou art careful and art troubled about many things: But one thing is necessary. Mary hath chosen the best part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Saint Luke 10:38-42)


Reflect deeply on the passage, considering its meaning and implications.

  • Hospitality and Service: Meditate on Martha’s role in welcoming Jesus into her home and her dedication to serving Him. Consider the value of hospitality and service in our lives and how we often get consumed by the tasks involved.
  • Contemplation and Presence: Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to His word. Reflect on the importance of being present and attentive to the Lord, prioritising time with Him over the busyness of life.
  • Jesus’ Gentle Reproach: Consider Jesus’ gentle correction to Martha, pointing out her anxiety and trouble over many things. Reflect on what “the one thing necessary” might be in your own life.
  • Choosing the Better Part: Meditate on the significance of Jesus saying Mary has chosen the best part. Reflect on the balance between action and contemplation in your own spiritual journey.


Respond to the passage with a heartfelt prayer.

Lord Jesus, I thank Thee for the lesson of Martha and Mary. Help me to find the balance between serving and spending time with Thee. Teach me to prioritise what is truly necessary and to choose the better part. When I am anxious and troubled by many things, remind me to sit at Thy feet and listen to Thy word. May my service always be rooted in my love for Thee and my desire to be close to Thy Sacred Heart. Amen.


Spend time in silent contemplation, allowing the message to resonate deeply within you.

Imagine yourself in Martha and Mary’s home. Feel the presence of Jesus as He enters. Visualise yourself sitting at His feet, soaking in His words. Contemplate the peace and contentment that comes from choosing the better part and being in the presence of the Lord. Let this awareness deepen your commitment to prioritise time with Jesus amidst the busyness of life.


Determine a concrete action to take in response to the insights gained from the passage.

  • Prioritise Prayer: Dedicate a specific time each day to sit quietly with the Lord, listening to His word and seeking His presence.
  • Balance Service and Contemplation: Reflect on your daily activities and find ways to balance your tasks with moments of prayer and reflection.
  • Reduce Anxiety: Identify areas of your life where you are anxious and troubled about many things. Take practical steps to simplify and focus on what is truly necessary, keeping Jesus at the centre of your life.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)