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Antisemitism and Violence

The topic antisemitism and the need for Christians of all denominations to heed the Biblical command to comfort Israel (Isaiah 40:1) is in need of being discussed within all the Patriarchates all the way down to the parish level. We gravely condemn both so-called “Christian” and Muslim violence of any form. We do not believe that there is any difference between an anti-Semitic person calling themselves a “Christian” and a Muslim who terrorizes Israel, the United States or any other country. There is no difference!

Muslim violence is a major threat to world peace in any land and it has to be eliminated by those governments in power to do so. A harsh reality to face is the fact that the Christian church as a whole has not done its part in educating their own people about coming to an understanding of various cultures, other denominations, races, or other religions.

Unfortunately antisemitism is being bred right from the very pulpits that preach that Messiah came to save all peoples. Arrogance, hatred, and any type of unfounded intolerance of other races, minorities or whole nations has absolutely no place in the Body of Messiah and when evidences of such activities or even certain terms and phrases are seen or heard within any denomination or body it absolutely must be removed immediately.

What we are witnessing in Iraq and other areas ravaged by the likes of al-Qaeda and other similar terrorist groups is very similar to what was witnessed in the early 1900’s during the “Great War” where our beloved +Mar Shimun was assassinated senselessly and where our Assyrian Christian brothers and sisters suffered appalling holocausts. Such activities bring back painful memories for our Semitic and Assyrian brothers and sisters in the faith.

I seriously urge all Bishoprics within the canonical territory of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem to set stricter guiding principles on dealing with antisemitism and intolerance of other cultures. Special committees need to be established to combat intolerance, racism, and antisemitism not only from within the Assembly but also in the parish neighborhoods as well. Education and social action can assist in making our society tolerable for all human beings and our actions can serve as a demonstration of our Holy Faith based on the Scriptures.

27 April 2004

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)