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Lectio Divina for 6 July 2024

1. Lectio

Read the passage slowly and attentively, paying close attention to each word and detail.

Passage: “And it came to pass, as Jesus spoke these things, a certain woman from the crowd, lifting up her voice, said to him: Blessed is the womb that bore thee and the paps that gave thee suck. But he said: Yea rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it.” (Saint Luke 11:27-28)

2. Meditatio

Reflect on the passage, considering what it says about Christ and how it speaks to your own spiritual life.

  • The woman’s praise: Reflect on the woman’s spontaneous praise for Mary, recognising the blessedness of being the mother of Jesus. Consider the honour and reverence we give to Mary, the Mother of God.
  • Jesus’ response: Reflect on Jesus’ response, which shifts the focus from physical motherhood to spiritual obedience. Consider how Jesus emphasises the importance of hearing and keeping the word of God.
  • Hearing the word of God: Reflect on what it means to truly hear the word of God. Consider how attentive you are to God’s word in Scripture and in your daily life.
  • Keeping the word of God: Reflect on the call to not only hear but also keep and live out the word of God. Consider how you can better incorporate God’s teachings into your actions and decisions.

3. Oratio

Respond to the passage with prayer, seeking to connect with God through the Gospel.

My Lord Jesus, as I reflect on Thy words, I think of the blessedness of hearing and keeping the Word of God. Help me to listen attentively to Thy word and to live it out faithfully in my daily life. I thank Thee for the example of Mary Thy Blessed Mother, who perfectly embodied obedience to Thy will. Grant me the grace to follow her example and to be a true disciple who hears and keeps Thy word. Amen.

4. Contemplatio

Spend some time in silent contemplation, resting in God’s presence and allowing the truths of the passage to sink deeply into your heart.

Think of yourself in the crowd, hearing the woman’s praise and Jesus’ response. Feel the call to shift your focus from external honours to internal obedience. Contemplate the importance of being attentive to God’s word and living it out in your life. Rest in the assurance that true blessedness comes from hearing and keeping God’s word.

5. Actio

Consider how you can apply the insights gained from this passage to your daily life.

  • Be attentive to Scripture: Make a daily habit of reading and reflecting on the Scriptures, seeking to hear God’s word more clearly.
  • Live out God’s word: Identify specific ways you can keep and live out the teachings of Jesus in your daily actions and decisions.
  • Emulate Mary: Look to Mary as a model of perfect obedience to God’s will and strive to follow her example in your own life.
  • Share God’s word: Find opportunities to share the word of God with others, encouraging them to hear and keep it as well.
  • Practice humility: Focus on internal spiritual growth and obedience rather than seeking external honours and recognition.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)