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Patriarch Seraphim Affirms Traditional Doctrine and Emphasises God’s Infinite Mercy

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN 6 July 2024 – In a recent statement, in conjunction with the Patriarchal Conclave, Patriarch Seraphim reasserted the traditional Catholic teaching of “extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” (outside the Church there is no salvation). This doctrine teaches the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation, positing the Church as the primary means established by Christ for the salvation of souls.

The Patriarch also acknowledged the boundless nature of God’s mercy and grace. He emphasised that while the Catholic Church is the ordinary means of salvation, God’s grace can operate in mysterious ways beyond the visible confines of the Church. This understanding does not diminish the necessity of the Church but rather highlights the very deep nature of God’s mercy. His Holiness pointed out that those who live in a state of grace, love Christ, worship the Father, uphold the Apostles’ and Nicene Creed, and are baptised and confirmed, are mystically connected to the Catholic Church, even if they are not visibly united with it. Such individuals, he said, will have an opportunity for salvation in the afterlife through purgation.

Patriarch Seraphim also addressed a stricter interpretation, asserting that followers of the Novus Ordo pope, when aware of his illegitimacy, are outside the Holy Catholic Church and that the Vatican II religious institute is of demonic origin.

On the matter of praying for deceased non-Catholics, Patriarch Seraphim acknowledged historical debates within the Roman Church. While some past popes and theologians deemed such prayers futile, the Church has consistently upheld the importance of prayer and the mystery of God’s mercy. He urged for an understanding that God’s ways surpass human comprehension and that intercessory prayers can potentially aid non-Catholic souls. The Church’s tradition of praying for the faithful departed, he stated, is rooted in trust in God’s justice and mercy.

Please pray for peace and safety in the Holy Land. (info)