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Condemnation of Anti-Semitism on College Campuses

Acre, Israel, 10 December 2023 — In a resolute stance against the pernicious rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses, the Galilean Patriarchate of Jerusalem, as a community committed to fostering inclusivity and understanding, unequivocally condemn all forms of discrimination and prejudice.

The recent surge in incidents targeting individuals based on their Jewish identity has prompted us to reaffirm our commitment to creating an environment where diversity is celebrated and cherished. Educational institutions, as crucibles of enlightenment and intellectual growth, must be sanctuaries where students from all walks of life feel secure, valued, and free from discrimination.

Anti-Semitism, in any manifestation, is a betrayal of the principles that underpin the pursuit of knowledge and the exchange of ideas. It undermines the fundamental tenets of education, which are founded upon openness, respect, and a dedication to the common good.

We call upon all members of the academic community, from students to faculty, to actively combat the toxic currents of prejudice. Education, at its core, is a force for good, a beacon that dispels the darkness of ignorance. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that educational institutions not only educate the mind but also cultivate the spirit of empathy, compassion, and brotherhood among all humankind.

We commit to working collaboratively with educational institutions, community leaders, and advocacy groups to implement proactive measures that promote tolerance, diversity, and respect. By nurturing an environment where differences are embraced and celebrated, we can collectively build a brighter, more inclusive future.

In conclusion, let this condemnation be a clarion call for unity and a reminder of the collective responsibility we bear in shaping a world where the light of knowledge dispels the shadows of prejudice.

— 10 December 2023

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